Das gegenwärtige Interesse an der Linguistik. [co-author: Peter Eisenberg] Das
Argument 72:326-349
Soziologie + Linguistik. Die schlechte Aufhebung sozialer Ungleichheit durch
Sprache. [co-authors: Frithjof Hager and Rainer Paris] Stuttgart: Metzler
Reform als Bluff? Zur Kritik des linguistisierten Sprachunterrichts. [co-author:
Rainer Paris] betrifft:erziehung 5/1974:38-40
Linguistik und Informationswissenschaften. In: Renate Bartsch and Theo
Vennemann, eds. Linguistik und Nachbarwissenschaften. Kronberg:
Scriptor. 75-92
Review of Wolfgang Klein, Dieter Wunderlich and Norbert Dittmar, eds. Aspekte
der Soziolinguistik. Das Argument 87:671-672
Om klasse og socialt lag. [co-authors:
Frithjof Hager and Rainer Paris, translated by Palle Rasmussen]. In:
Frans Gregersen et al., eds., Klassesprog. København: Borgen. 107-122
Den rådvilde sociolingvistik [co-authors: Frithjof Hager and Rainer Paris,
translated by Karen S. Jakobsen]. In: Frans Gregersen et al., eds.,
Klassesprog. København:
Borgen. 281-302
Linguistics and information sciences. In: Renate Bartsch and Theo Vennemann,
eds. Linguistics and neighboring disciplines. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Review of Hans Arens, Sprachwissenschaft. Das Argument 93:883-884.
Beschreibungsmethoden des amerikanischen Strukturalismus. [co-editors: Elisabeth Bense and
Peter Eisenberg] München: Hueber (Linguistische Reihe, 16)
El actual interés por la lingüística [co-author: Peter Eisenberg, translated by
A. Manteca Alonso-Cortès and Adelino Alvarez]. In: D. Bolinger et al., Lingüística
y sociedad. Madrid: Siglo XXI de España. 45-81
Om klass och skikt [co-authors: Frithjof Hager and Rainer Paris, translated by
Ulf Modin]. In: Frans Gregersen et al., eds., Klasspråk.
Sociolingvistik & utbildning. Stockholm: Gidlunds. 83-92
Den rådvilla sociolingvistiken [co-authors: Frithjof Hager and Rainer Paris,
translated by Ulf Modin]. In: Frans Gregersen et als, ed., Klassspråk.
Sociolingvistik & utbildning. Stockholm: Gidlunds. 251-263
Defizit und Differenz als linguistische und soziale Kategorien. Linguistische
Berichte 49:54-62
Editorial: Linguistics and pragmatics. [co-author: Jacob Mey] Journal of
Pragmatics 1:1-12
Review of Bente Maegaard et al., Matematik og lingvistik. ROLIG 9
Noter til tysk fonetik (Prøveudgave). Roskilde Universitetscenter.
Eine Anmerkung über Identität sprachlicher Einheiten. In: Dietrich Hartmann et
al., eds., Sprache in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Festschrift für Heinrich
Matthias Heinrichs. Köln and Wien: Böhlau. 57-67
Review of Ulrich Ammon, Indføring i sociolinguistik. [co-authors: Tamar Bermann
and Karen Risager] PAPIR II.8:82-95
Projektarbejde i disciplinen sprogbeskrivelse i tyskoverbygningen på RUC. In:
Karen Risager, ed. Fremmedsprogsundervisning på RUC. ROLIG 15:31-54
Papers from the first Scandinavian-German symposium on the language of
immigrant workers and their children, Roskilde 19-23 March 1978. [co- editors:
Norbert Dittmar, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Ulf Teleman]. ROLIG 12
Political determinants of pragmatic and sociolinguistic choices [co-author:
Tove Skutnabb-Kangas]. ROLIG 17
Eine syntaktische Verschwörung gegen sexistische Relativpronomina. In:
Hverdagsskrift i anledning af ROLIGs femårsjubilæum. ROLIG 18:11-14
Status und Legitimation von Theorien der Sprachvariation. ROLIG 19:37-66
Logic won't plug real life gaps. A remark on G. Gazdar's "Class, codes,
and conversation". Journal of Pragmatics 5:27-33.
A minimum morale on how not to communicate with the native speaker. In:
Florian Coulmas, ed. A Festschrift for native speaker. The Hague:
Mouton, 195-199.
Wording and warding: the pragmatics of therapeutical conversation. [co-author:
Jacob Mey] Journal of Pragmatics 5:103-111.
Review of Barbara Hall Partee, Introduction to mathematics for linguistics. Nordic
Journal of Linguistics 4:181-183
Political determinants of pragmatic and sociolinguistic choices [co-author: Tove Skutnabb-Kangas]. In: Herman Parret, Marina Sbisà and Jef Verschueren,
eds. Possibilities and limitations of pragmatics. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Review of Konrad Ehlich, ed. Erzählen in Gesprächen. Das Argument
Universals are unicorns in an impossible world. Report from Working Group 4,
Universals of linguistic action [co-authors: Florian Coulmas and Jacob Mey].
In: Shirô Hattori and Kazuko Inoue, eds. Proceedings of the XIIIth
International Congress of Linguists (Tokyo 1982). Tokyo: Gakushûin
University. 1232-1235
Review of Konrad Ehlich, Verwendungen der Deixis beim sprachlichen Handeln. Nordic
Journal of Linguistics 6:157-162.
Kommt überall. SPRINT (Copenhagen) 1983(3):11-12.
Nogle historiske og sociolingvistiske bemærkninger om skoleudtalen af tysk i
Danmark. Meddelelser fra Gymnasieskolernes Tysklærerforening 78:39-51
Godt Peer Gynt er halve verket. [co-author: Jacob Mey] ROLIG 31:1-15
A field manual for readers of The problem of meaning in primitive languages
by Bronislaw Malinowski. ROLIG 31:17-51
En ny selskabsleg. SPRINT (Copenhagen) 1984(2):7-8
Hvilken dialekt talte Begriffenfeldt? Maal og Minne 1984(3/4): 244-245.
Zum Problem der Verschmelzung von Präposition und bestimmtem Artikel im
Deutschen. Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie 30:82-106
Review of Klaus Heinrich, Tertium datur. Eine religionsphilosophische
Einführung in die Logik. Journal of Pragmatics 9:377-384
Review of Finn Sørensen and Lars Heltoft (eds.), Topics in Danish Syntax. Linguistics
Kilivila sopa 'joke'? A reply to Senft. Journal of Pragmatics 9:835-843
Reported speech in Danish. In: Florian Coulmas, ed. Direct and indirect
speech. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics, Studies and
Monographs 31). 219-253
A note on the aorist. In: Jacob L. Mey, ed. Language and discourse: test and
protest. A Festschrift for Petr Sgall. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 173-184
Jacob Grimm on the Germanic generic second person singular pronoun. In: Jørgen
Dines Johansen and Harly Sonne, eds. Pragmatics and Linguistics. Festschrift
for Jacob Mey. Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag. 79-84
Review of James D. McCawley, The eater's guide to Chinese characters. Journal
of Pragmatics 10:130-134
Doubling and Resumption in Modern Greek [co-author: Johan van der Auwera]. In: Melétes
gia tin ellinikí glóssa/Studies in Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the 8th
annual meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy,
Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, 27-29 April 1987 (A Festschrift for
John Chadwick), 323-334
Research policy. In: Ulrich Ammon, Norbert Dittmar and Klaus J. Mattheier, eds.
Sociolinguistics. An international handbook of the science of language and
society. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1814-1826
Whose English? Nobody's business. Journal of Pragmatics 13:927-938
Politika sociolingvistike. Sol (Zagreb) 4(1):19-36
Topics and Clitics in Greek Relatives [co-author: Johan van der Auwera], Acta
Linguistica Hafniensia 22:127-157
Grammatical relations in a functional-pragmatic grammar [co-author: Ole
Nedergaard Thomsen] In: Lisbeth Falster Jakobsen, ed. Functional grammar in
Denmark. Copenhagen: The University of Copenhagen, Department of English.
Tak for mad! Om sprogæderi med dansk som livret [co-authors: Carol Henriksen,
Robert Phillipson and Tove Skutnabb-Kangas]. In: Jens Normann Jørgensen, ed. Det
danske sprogs status år 2001 &ndash er dansk et truet sprog? København: Danmarks
Lærerhøjskole, Institut for Dansk Sprog og Litteratur. 111-138 [Copenhagen
Studies in Bilingualism, 14]
The long and winding road towards a theory of grammatical relations [co-author:
Ole Nedergaard Thomsen] Journal of Pragmatics 16:179-206
Dänisch – eine kleine Sprache in der EG [co-author: Carol Henriksen]. Sociolinguistica
Reflections about minority languages in the European Community. In: Florian
Coulmas, ed. A language policy for the European Community: Quandaries and
prospects. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 179-194. [Contributions to the Sociology
of Language, 61]
Der Gebrauch der Tempora im Dänischen und Deutschen. In: Akten des VIII. Internationalen Germanisten-Kongresses Tokyo 1990, Vol. 11. München: iudicium. 366-375
Adverbs and particles of change and continuation in Greek: a survey. In: Johan
van der Auwera, ed. Adverbs and particles of change and continuation. EUROTYP
Working Papers series V, number 2. 59-71
schon and noch words in Scandinavian languages with notes on
Sámi, Finnish, and North Frisian (Fering). In: Johan van der Auwera, ed. Adverbs
and particles of change and continuation. EUROTYP Working Papers series V,
number 2. 72-82
Shakaigengogaku. Gengo wa shakai no fubyodo wo kokufuku suru ka.
[co-authors: Frithjof Hager and Rainer Paris, translated by Otomasa Jun,
commentary and introduction by Inoue Junichi]. Publications of Osaka University
of Foreign Studies, 3
Universals, explanations and pragmatics [co-author: Lars Heltoft]. In: Michel
Kefer and Johan van der Auwera, ed. Grammar and meaning. Berlin: Mouton
de Gruyter. 17-26
Editors' introduction: Herr Keuner on pragmatics. [Introduction to Special
Issue on Foundational questions concerning language studies. Co-authors: Jacob
L. Mey and Richard W. Janney.] Journal of Pragmatics 17(5/6):393-400
Nogle bemærkninger om det danske sprogs tilstand og vilkår efter 20 års dansk
EF-medlemskab. Språklig Samling (Oslo) 34(1):10-14
Editorial: Formal pragmatics at the 4th International Pragmatics Conference,
Kobe 1993 [co-authors: Jacob L. Mey and Richard W. Janney]. Journal of
Pragmatics 19(5):v-vii
Review of Lachman M. Khubchandani, Language, culture and nation-building. Journal
of Pragmatics 20(4):397-398
Probleme der kleinen Sprachen in der EG: Beispiel Dänisch. heteroglossia
(Ancona) 5:79-128
The thetic/categorical distinction. in: R. E. Asher ed. Encyclopedia of
Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Pergamon Press, Vol. 9, 4605-4606.
Written and spoken language: relationship. in: R. E. Asher ed. Encyclopedia
of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Pergamon Press, Vol. 9, 5061-5062.
Syntactic functions, topics, and grammatical relations [co-author: Ole
Nedergaard Thomsen]. In: Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen, Lisbeth Falster Jakobsen
and Lone Schack Rasmussen, eds., Function and expression in functional
grammar. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter 153-181
Danish. In: Ekkehard König and Johan van der Auwera, eds., The Germanic
languages. London: Routledge 313-348
Review of Maria Sifianou, Politeness phenomena in England and Greece, a
cross-cultural perspective [co-author Bent Preisler]. Journal of Pragmatics
Deutsche Phonetik. Ein Kompendium. Roskilde Universitetscenter.
On maps. EUROTYP Newsletter 11:6-8
Das Tempus zwischen Semantik und Pragmatik. Dokkyô International Review
And ye shall be as machines – or should machines be as us? On the modeling of
matter and mind. In: Barbara Gorayska and Jacob L. Mey, eds. Cognitive
Technology. Amsterdam: Elsevier 89-98
Cognitive technology and pragmatics: analogies and (non-)alignments.
AI&Society 10(3/4):303-308
"Vi er selv historie". Pragmatikkens udvikling i Danmark, dens rødder
og dens forhold til andre sprogvidenskabelige discipliner. in: Carol Henriksen,
Even Hovdhaugen, Fred Karlsson og Bengt Sigurd, ed. Studies in the
development of linguistics in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
Oslo: Novus 31-59
Communion or Communication? A historical note on one of the 'founding fathers'
of pragmatics. in Robin Sackman, ed. Theoretical linguistics and
grammatical description. Papers in honour of Hans-Heinrich Lieb. Amsterdam:
Benjamins 163-166.
Semantik oder Pragmatik der Tempora? ROLIG 58:54-66
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics
[co-editor: Lars Heltoft]. Roskilde: University of Roskilde, Department of
Languages and Culture.
Natural language and artificial technology – it ain't necessarily so. In:
Jonathon P. Marsh, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv and Barbara Gorayska, eds. Proceedings,
Second International Conference on Cognitive Technology: Humanizing the Information
Age, August 25-28, 1997, Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Japan. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE
Computer Society 27-30
Journal of Pragmatics 1, Editorial: Linguistics and Pragmatics. [With a]
Postscript (1995). in: Asa Kasher, ed. Pragmatics. Vol. I: Dawn and
Delineation. London and New York: Routledge. 70-84 (Routledge Critical
Concepts) [with Jacob L. Mey]
Political determinants of pragmatic and sociolinguistic choices. [Revised, and with
a] Postscript (1995). in: Asa Kasher, ed. Pragmatics. Vol. VI: Pragmatics:
grammar, psychology and sociology. London and New York: Routledge. 449-461
(Routledge Critical Concepts) [with Tove Skutnabb-Kangas]
The thetic/categorical distinction. in: Jacob L. Mey, ed. Concise
Encyclopedia of Pragmatics. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 1015-1016
Written and spoken language: relationship. in: Jacob L. Mey, ed. Concise
Encyclopedia of Pragmatics. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 1048-1049
Text, discourse, discours: The latest report from the Terminology Vice
Squad. Journal of Pragmatics 31:911-918
The natural and the artificial in language and technology. in: Jonathon P.
Marsh, Barbara Gorayska and Jacob L. Mey, eds. Humane interfaces: Questions
of method and practice in Cognitive Technology. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 81-87
Small and endangered languages: a threat to the language or to the speaker? in:
A.-F. Christidis ed., "Strong" and "weak" languages in
the European Union: Aspects of linguistic hegemonism, vol 1. Thessaloniki:
Center for the Greek Language. 3-10
Μικρες και απειλουμενες γλωσσες: απειλε για την γλωσσα η για τον ομιλιτη? in:
A.-F. Christidis ed., "Strong" and "weak" languages in
the European Union: Aspects of linguistic hegemonism, vol. 1. Thessaloniki:
Center for the Greek Language. 11-19
Pragmatische und soziolinguistische Aspekte der Übersetzung. Dokkyo
International Review 12:141-158
Die Universität Roskilde (Dänemark) – Leitbild und Image einer ungewöhnlichen
Universität. in: Universität Wien – Logistisches Zentrum and Heide
Pfennigbauer, eds. Studienpläne 2002 – Positionen und Perspektiven der
Reformdiskussion. Wien: WUV-Universitätsverlag. 94-97
Kan dansk overleve som kultursprog? in: Anne Holmen and J. Normann Jørgensen,
eds. Sprogs status i Danmark år 2001. København: Danmarks pædagogiske
Universitet. 127-138
Interview with Hartmut Haberland. Pragmatic Matters, JALT [Japan
Association for Language Teaching] Pragmatics SIG Newsletter 2(1):3-5, http://www.pragsig.org/files/PM4complete.pdf2002
Linguistics and pragmatics, 25 years after [with Jacob L. Mey]. Journal of Pragmatics 34(12):1671-1682
Oversættelse som sprog- og kulturmøde: dens pragmatiske og sociolingvistiske aspekter. in: Anne E. Boukris, ed. Elleve indspark til Kultur- og Sprogmødestudier. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetscenter, Institut for Sprog og Kultur. 56-77
Kroniken: Hvorfor vi taler skandinavisk. Sprogforum 29:6-9
Domains and domain loss. in: Bent Preisler et al., eds., The Consequences of Mobility:
Linguistic and Sociocultural Contact Zones. Roskilde: Roskilde University, Department of Language and Culture
Research Policy. in: Ulrich Ammon, Norbert Dittmar, Klaus J. Mattheier og Peter Trudgill, eds. Sociolinguistics. An international Handbook of the science of language and society. 2nd completely revised and extended edition. Volume 2. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter. 917-9292006
Thetic-categorical distinction. in: Keith Brown, ed. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd edition. Vol. 12 Oxford: Elsevier. 676-677.
Sperantapük e Linglänapük as volapüks. Sprogforum 36:28-34.
Die Sprache der Anderen: Sprachunterschied und Sprachwechsel in Literatur und Übersetzung. in: Lise Paulsen Galal, Hartmut Haberland and Klaus Schulte, eds. Kulturer mødes: Festskrift for Karen Risager. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetscenter, Institut for Kultur og Identitet. 29-45
Kulturer mødes: Festskrift for Karen Risager [ed., with Lise Paulsen Galal and Klaus Schulte]. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetscenter, Institut for Kultur og Identitet
Language shift in conversation as a metapragmatic comment. in: Wolfram Bublitz and Axel Hübler, ed. Metapragmatics in use. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 129-140 [Pragmatics and Beyond, 165]
Deutsch als Wissenschaftssprache. in: Michael Svendsen Pedersen and Hartmut Haberland, ed. Sprogliv – Sprachleben. Festskrift til Karen Sonne Jakobsen. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitet, Institut for Kultur og Identitet. 123-134 [with Klaus Schulte]
Sprogliv – Sprachleben. Festskrift til Karen Sonne Jakobsen [ed., with Michael Svendsen Pedersen]. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitet, Institut for Kultur og Identitet
Higher Education in the global village. Cultural and linguistic practices in the International University [ed., with Janus Mortensen, Anne Fabricius, Bent Preisler, Karen Risager and Susanne Kjærbeck]. Roskilde: Roskilde University, Department of Culture and Identity.
Two pilot studies of multilingual competence in international programmes at Roskilde University [with Karen Risager]. in: Hartmut Haberland, Janus Mortensen, Anne Fabricius, Bent Preisler, Karen Risager and Susanne Kjærbeck eds. Higher Education in the global village. Cultural and linguistic practices in the International University, Roskilde: Roskilde University, Department of Culture and Identity. 41-65
Dänisch. in: Ulrich Ammon and Harald Haarmann, eds. Wieser Enzyklopädie der Sprachen des europäischen Westens, Band 1. Klagenfurt: Wieser Verlag. 131-153
Die schwache Adjektivflexion im Dänischen und Deutschen. Eine Fingerübung in diachronischer Typologie [with Lars Heltoft]. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 40:23-43
Engelsk – et nøgleord fra RUC til Tokyo [with Janus Mortensen]. in: Ken Farø, Alexandra Holsting, Niels-Erik Larsen, Jens Erik Mogensen and Thora Vinther, eds. Sprogvidenskab i glimt. 70 tekster om sprog i teori og praksis. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag. 385-388
Sapir-Whorf-hypotesen. in: Søren Kolstrup, Gunhild Agger, Per Jauert and Kim Schrøder, eds. Medie- og kommunikationsleksikon. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur. 471-473.
English - the language of globalism? Rask. Internationalt tidsskrift for sprog og kommunikation. 30:17-45
Sprogvalg på danske universiteter i historisk perspektiv [with Janus Mortensen]. in: Sprogforum 46:8-132010
Globalisme og hegemonisk tænkning i sprogpolitikken. in: Lars-Gunnar Andersson, Olle Josephson, Inger Lindberg and Mats Thelander, eds. Språkvård och språkpolitik/Language Planning and Language Policy. Stockholm: Norstedts. 103-119
Sapir-Whorf-hypotesen [revised version]. in: Søren Kolstrup, Gunhild Agger, Per Jauert and Kim Schrøder, eds. Medie- og kommunikationsleksikon. 2nd edition. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur. 470-472.
Gør tysk en forskel? in: Tysk nu: Konference om tysk sprog og kultur i offentlighed, forskning og undervisning i Danmark. Roskilde: Institut for Kultur og Identitet, Roskilde Universitet. 109-111
Editorial [with Jacob L. Mey and Kerstin Fischer] Pragmatics and Society 1(1):1-8
Noget om, hvem der ejer det danske sprog, og hvem der truer det - og om domænebegrebets storhed og fald. in: J. Normann Jørgensen and Anne Holmen (eds.) Sprogs status i Danmark 2021. København: Københavns Universitet. 77-86
Mood in Greek. in: Björn Rothstein and Rolf Thieroff (eds.), Mood in the languages of Europe. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 473-491.
Pragmatics as a Component vs. Pragmatics
as a Perspective of Linguistics. Studies in Pragmatics 12:54-68
Sprogvalg på danske universiteter i historisk perspektiv [co-author: Janus Mortensen]. in: Sprogforum 49-50:155-161
Ownership and maintenance of a language in transnational use: Should we leave our lingua franca alone? Journal of Pragmatics 43(4):937-949
Local languages as the languages of internationalization:
Internationalization and language choice. Intercultural Communication Review 9:37-47
Chiikigengo wa kokusaigo ni narieba ka: kokusaika to gengosentaku [Can the local language become an international language? Internationalization and language choice]. In: Kumiko Torikai, Ken'ichi Noda, Masako Hiraga, Wataru Koyama, eds. Invitation to Intercultural Communication Studies. Tokyo: Misuzu Shobo, 331-348.
The politics of transcription: issues of multilingual and other non-standard data. In: Keiko Ikeda and Adam Brandt, eds., Kansai University international symposium challenges and new directions in the micro-analysis of social interaction. Osaka: Kansai University. 3-8.
Bokmelding, Nils Johan Ringdal under medvirkning av Audun Beyer. Georg Valentin von Munthe af Morgenstiernes forunderlige liv og reiser. Rask 36:103-111
Language variety, language hierarchy, and language choice in the international university [with Janus Mortensen]. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 216:1-6.
English - the new Latin of the elites? Danish universities as a case [with Janus Mortensen]. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 216:175-197.
Uddannelse on the move - transnational studentermobilitet og uddannelseskvalitet [with Anne H. Fabricius and Janus Mortensen]. In: Hanne Leth Andersen og Jens Christian Jacobsen (eds.) Uddannelseskvalitet i en globaliseret verden - vidensøkonomiens indtog i de videregående uddannelser. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur. 197-211
Transcription linking software: Integrating the ephemeral and the fixed in interaction research [with Spencer Hazel and Janus Mortensen]: Keiko Ikeda and Adam Brandt, eds., Kansai University international symposium challenges and new directions in the micro-analysis of social interaction. Osaka: Kansai University. 13-17.
ELF and the bigger picture. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 2(1):195-198.
The position of Danish and other languages in Denmark and at Danish universities [with Bent Preisler]. in F. Xavier Vila ed. Language Policy in Higher Education. Challenges for Medium-Sized Language Communities. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Language Alternation, Language Choice and Language Encounter in International Tertiary Education [ed., with Dorte Lønsmann and Bent Preisler]. Dordrecht: Springer. (Multilingual Education, 5.)
Hybridity and complexity: language choice and language ideologies. In Hartmut Haberland, Dorte Lønsmann and Bent Preisler eds. 2013. Language Alternation, Language Choice and Language Encounter in International Tertiary Education . Dordrecht: Springer. (Multilingual Education, 5.)
Negotiated exclusion - on the constitution of otherness in a multilingual work setting [with Spencer Hazel]. Lingcorp Working Paper, 1.