Courses in Computer Science, Roskilde University

HCI: Human-Computer Interaction (preliminary course description)


The course covers the following topics:

User needs and requirements must be understood in the context of users' tasks and the technological possibilities. Consequently, needs and requirements are discovered, elaborated, and revised during software development processes through two types of activity: design and evaluation. The development of innovative, useful, usable, and pleasing IT applications requires competence in a set of design and evaluation methods, and knowledge of conceptual models and design principles enabling informed use of these methods. The aim of the HCI course is to provide participants with this competence and knowledge.

The common framework for the course elements about design and evaluation is the concept of usability. Participants will acquire an understanding of the three dimensions of usability - effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction - and how they affect the fit between, on the one hand, specified design and evaluation activities and, on the other hand, characteristics of the system, task, user, and cultural setting. Such an understanding is essential to the creation of visions of user experiences that can drive the design of innovative IT applications. Mastery of the course content will enable participants to design visual prototypes, evaluate their impact on users, and contribute to software process improvement.


Last modification 24-sep-2010, Henning Christiansen