Courses in Computer Science, Roskilde University

MT: Master Thesis


The detailed topic for the thesis is developed and agreed upon by the student and his/her personal supervisor depending on the student's topic of interests. Thesis works conducted at Roskilde may be loosely divided into two groups, 1. solving a practical problem using the best academic skills in technical details and documentation, and 2. projects in close relation to a research topic - and often they are somewhere in between.

There is also a long tradition for theses both in-depth with computer science and in interdisciplinary studies combining with mathematics, computational linguistics, bioinformatics, bussines studies, etc. Each student is guided by a personal supervisor chosen among our researchers; students can work individually or in groups of two, exceptionally three students, but the exam is always an individual assessment of each student's contribution.

A thesis concerns an independently produced work, and its problem definition and motivation must be made clear. A review of relevant scientific literatute is expected, and the results of the thesis work must be compared with the state of the art in the chosen field.

The best supervision may perhaps be obtained if you choose a topic related to the activities taking place in one of our our research groups: Programming, Logic and Intelligent Systems and User-Driven IT-innovation.

It is strongly advised that you get in touch with a possible thesis supervisor at Roskilde well in advance before your stay, so that you have a relatively clear idea of your choice of topic. Students are recommended to work together in groups of 2-3 students and mix different nationalities. A personal supervisor is appointed to each thesis work.

Normally, a Master Thesis amounts to 30 ECTS, which is the same as a full-time study in one semester.


Last modification 23-dec-2011, Henning Christiansen