KIIS 2008: Written assignments

Each student must produce a written assignment during the course, and this assignment should be presented as part of the oral; see general information about the exam elsewhere. The assignment should be documented in a report of 5-10 pages (plus possible program source texts).

The assignments should go in depth with a topic considered in the course, or perhaps another topic in the range of "Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems". Each student should select a topic and task within that topic, and agree with the teachers about this. It is strongly recommended to develop a (small!) implementation as the central theme in the assignment; some topics are suggested below.

The report is expected to explain the problem that you approach, give a brief introduction to the methods and technologies that you have used, and describe you application and results.

It is allowed for students to work in smaller groups on the assigment, but each student must give in his own report, written entirely by himself; however, program text may be shared. In case of such a collaboration, the report must state how this was made and possibly which parts of the program text that are shared.

If time permits, we will arrange student presentations of "work in progress", but the reports will not be commented by the teacher before the exam.


Find below a list of proposals for assignments tasks; other proposals may be generated by replacing the example application.

Last modification 3-oct-2008, Henning Christiansen