Computers and Networks
The purpose of this course is to provide you with a basic understanding of how computers do what they do. By studying the fundamental organizing principles of computer systems, you are better able to understand, design, and implement complex systems. Upon successful completion of this course, the computer will no longer seem a “black box” to you.
The course provides knowledge of computer organization and architecture. Fundamentals of computer networking and data communication will also be provided. The main objectives of this course are the understanding of the major components of a computer system, how these components are interrelated, and their characteristics that affect system performance. The topics covered include computer organization and architecture, data representation, digital logic, assembly language programming, memory systems, input/output systems, system software, network protocols, and network organization.
At the completion of the course, you will be able to:
- Understand basic computer architecture and demonstrate use of the associated vocabulary.
- Explain the organization of a computer as levels of virtual machines.
- Describe the operation of the CPU and explain how it is used to execute instructions.
- Write simple assembly language programs.
- Demonstrate knowledge of memory and I/O.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the basics of operating systems software.
- Discuss network architecture standards.
- Describe ISO reference and Internet models.
Linda Null and Julia Lobur:
The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture.
Jones & Bartlett, 2006 (Second Edition).
Lectures and exercises.
This course requires some programming skills, such as having passed courses in introductory programming, data structures and algorithms, and one programming project.
30 minutes oral examination with three days of preparation time.
Keld Helsgaun, associate professor
Additional information
- Marie Simulator
- Camera (Memory Tutorial Software)
- VirtualBox (x86 virtualization software)
- Ubuntu (Linux-based operating system)
- Cygwin (Linux-like environment for Windows)
- MMLogic (Logic design system)
- Logic Friday (Software for boolean logic optimization, analysis, and synthesis)
- Learning C from Java
- A Concise Introduction to C
- UNIX Tutorial for Beginners
- Programming from the Ground Up (Book on Linux x86 assembly language programming) (pdf, html)
- Debugging Assembly Code with gdb
- What Should an Educated Person Know about Computers (Brian W. Kernighan)