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Index of all Fields and Methods


discrete(double[]). Method in class random.Random
Returns an integer from a given discrete distribution.
draw(double). Method in class random.Random
Returns true or false with a given probability.


erlang(double, double). Method in class random.Random
Returns a double drawn from the Erlang distribution.


histd(double[]). Method in class random.Random
Returns a random integer drawn from a distribution defined by a histogram.


linear(double[], double[]). Method in class random.Random
Returns a double from a distribution function f.


negexp(double). Method in class random.Random
Returns a double drawn from the negative exponential distribution.
normal(double, double). Method in class random.Random
Returns a normally distributed double.


poisson(double). Method in class random.Random
Returns an integer drawn from the Poisson distribution.


randInt(int, int). Method in class random.Random
Returns an integer in a given range with uniform probability.
Random(). Constructor for class random.Random
This constructor creates a Random object with the current time as its seed value.
Random(long). Constructor for class random.Random
This constructor creates a Random object with the given seed value.


uniform(double, double). Method in class random.Random
Returns a double in a given range with uniform probability.