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Object-Oriented Software Development Using Java

Xiaoping Jia, Ph.D

Chapter 1:   OO Software Development

This chapter is intended to provide an overview of the object-oriented software development approach. We start with a general discussion on software development and the desirable qualities of software products, followed by a discussion on what makes software development difficult and the difference between software engineering and other, more established engineering practices. Then, we introduce the basic principles, concepts, processes, and techniques of the object-oriented development approach. We also introduce a graphical notation for object-oriented analysis and modeling, and conclude the chapter with a case study of object-oriented analysis and modeling.

1.1 Software Development
      1.1.1 An Engineering Perspective
      1.1.2 The Desirable Qualities of Software Systems
1.2 A View of the World
1.3 Principles and Concepts
      1.3.1 Classes and Objects
      1.3.2 Modularity
      1.3.3 Abstraction and Encapsulation
      1.3.4 Inheritance
      1.3.5 Association
      1.3.6 Modeling Dynamic Behavior
1.4 Object-Oriented Development
      1.4.1 The Micro and Macro Processes
      1.4.2 Case Study - An On-Line Bookstore

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