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Object-Oriented Software Development Using Java

Xiaoping Jia, Ph.D

Chapter 2:   Introduction to Java

In this chapter, we discuss the key characteristics of Java and examine the architecture and execution model of Java. We compare the architecture and execution model of Java to the approaches taken by other programming languages. We also discuss the use of Java in web pages. Two very simple programs, an app and an applet, will be used to illustrate the basic structure of Java programs and the use of the Java development tools and environment. 

2.1 The Architecture of Java
2.2 Simple Programs
      2.2.1 A Simple App
      2.2.2 A Simple Applet

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  • 2-1: Hello From Venus App 
  • 2-2: Hello From Venus Applet 

  • Other Chapters

    Example 2.1: Hello From Mars App
    Description As the internet is reaching almost everywhere on Earth, the next logical step would be an inter-planetary internet. NASA is planning to have the first internet host outside our planet Earth on-line early 21st century. Just imagine how exciting it would be to receive a greeting message from a close neighbor of our planet Earth: Venus. This app displays a greeting message: Hello from Venus! The message is in plain text and is sent to the standard output. 

    Example 2.2: HelloFromVenus Applet
    This applet displays the greeting message from Venus graphically. It consists of a text message and an image of the planet Venus. This program illustrates the structure of Java applets, and various graphics capabilities such as text display and font usage (size, style, and color). 

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