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Object-Oriented Software Development Using Java
Xiaoping Jia, Ph.D
Chapter 8: Concurrent Programming

This chapter is an introduction to concurrent, or multi-threaded, programming. We will discuss the mechanisms Java provides to support concurrent programming. The issues of synchronization and cooperation among threads will be addressed. 

8.1 Threads
      8.1.1 Creation of Threads
      8.1.2 Controlling Threads
8.2 Thread Safety and Liveness
      8.2.1 Synchronization
      8.2.2 Cooperation Among Threads
      8.2.3 Liveness Failures
8.3 Design Case Study: Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Source Code

  • 8-1: "Counter1" Application 
  • 8-2: "Quote" Application 
  • 8-3: "Counter2" Application 
  • 8-4: "BoundedQueue" Application 
  • 8-5: "SyncBoundedQueue" Application 
  • 8-6: "BoundedQueue" Application 
  • Case Study: The Tic-Tac-Toe Game 

  • Other Chapters

    Example 8.1: The "Counter1" Application 
    This example demonstrates thread creation by extending the Thread class. This class defines a thread whose body consists of an infinite loop. It maintains a counter, which is incremented by the amount of inc in each iteration. Each iteration of the loop sleeps "delay" milliseconds. 

    Example 8.2: The "Quote" Applet/Application 
    This is another example that demonstrates thread creation by extending the Thread class. The random number generation function Math.random() is used to simulate the fluctuation of stock prices. 

    Example 8.3: The "Counter2" Applet/Application 
    This example demonstrates thread creation by implementing the Runnable interface. This class defines a thread that behaves the same as the one in Example 8.1. 

    Example 8.4: The "BoundedQueue" Application 
    This example shows a simple bounded queue implementation that is not thread safe. A bounded queue is a first-in-first-out queue with a fixed capacity. The BoundedQueue class below is implemented using a circular array. The capacity of the queue is specified by the argument to the constructor. The capacity of the queue may not be changed. 

    Example 8.5: The "SyncBoundedQueue" Application 
    This example demonstrates the use of synchronization to ensure thread safety. The SyncBoundedQueue class is identical to the BoundedQueue in the previous example, except it is fully synchronized and thread safe. 

    Example 8.6: The "BoundedQueueWithGuard" Application 
    This example demonstrates use of the wait() and notify() methods to implement guarded suspension and ensure cooperation among threads. The BoundedQueueWithGuard class extends the BoundedQueue class. It is fully synchronized. The put() and get() methods are overridden to support cooperation among the producer and the consumer. 

    Case Stydy: The Tic-Tac-Toe Game 
    This is a simple game: Tic-Tac-Toe. It is implemented as a two-player game on a 3 x 3 board, however it is designed in a way that can be extended to an k-player (k 2) game on a m x n board. This is a multi-threaded program. Each player is a thread. Two types of players are implemented: 
    A human player, which waits for a human to make moves by clicking the mouse on the game board. 

    A machine player, which automatically generates moves (not necessarily good ones). 

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