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Object-Oriented Software Development Using Java
Xiaoping Jia, Ph.D
Chapter 9: Distributed Computing

In this chapter, we discuss two pure Java mechanisms for distributed computing: socket-based communication and remote method invocation (RMI). The design and implementation of distributed applications is illustrated using a stock ticker application. We also discuss two mechanisms for interfacing Java applications with non-Java applications in distributed computing environments: Java database connectivity (JDBC), and the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). This chapter serves as an introduction to developing distributed applications in Java. 

9.1 Socket-Based Communication
      9.1.1 Design Case Studies
9.2 Remote Method Invocation
      9.2.1 The Architecture
      9.2.2 Using RMI
      9.2.3 Design Case Studies

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  • 9-1: A simple server application: EchoServer
  • 9-2: A simple client application: EchoClient
  • 9-3: A server application handling multiple clients
  • 9-4: The "Counter" client-server application 
  • 9-5: "BroadcastEchoServer" Applet 
  • 9-6: The "Hello" RMI Application 
  • 9-7: The "BuildBeetlesTable" Application 
  • 9-8: The "ModifyBeetlesTable" Application 
  • 9-9: The "JdbcOrderDialog" Application 
  • Case Study: The Stock Ticker 

  • Other Chapters

    Example 9.1: A simple server application: EchoServer
    This example illustrates the basic elements of a server application. This server echoes each line of text it receives from its client. The client can terminate the connection by sending a line says "BYE." Typically, a server is supposed to run for a long time. So, a server usually contains an infinite loop of some kind. In this case, each iteration of the loop handles one client. Thus, this server can handle multiple clients sequentially, (i.e., only one client at a time,) not simultaneously. 

    Example 9.2: A simple client application: EchoClient
    This example illustrates the basic elements of a client application that communicates with the echo server. This client contacts the echo server (the EchoServer from above example), and sends 10 lines of text to the echo server and prints out the data it receives from the server. 

    Example 9.3: A server application handling multiple clients
    This example illustrates a server that uses threads to handle multiple clients simultaneously. The behavior of this echo server is similar to the simple echo server, except that each client is handled by a separate thread. The ClientHandler class defines the threads that handle the clients. Note that, the body of the run() method is essentially the same as body of the loop of the echo server. The MultiEchoServer class is the server, which creates a server socket. Whenever a client request is received, a new ClientHandler object, which is a thread, is created and started. 

    Example 9.4: The "Counter" client-server application
    This example illustrates a client implemented as an applet. This applet shows the number of visits, or hits, of the web page which contains the applet. When the server starts up, it attempts to opens data file named Counter.dat to retrieve last count. The CounterServer class is the visitor counter server. It must be running on the host where the web server, i.e., the HTTP server, is running. 

    The Counter class is the visitor counter applet. The applet communicates with the server to retrieve the count. In the init() method, a client socket is created. Remember that an applet can only communicate with a server resides on the same host as the web server. The host name of the client socket can only be the host of the document base. 

    Example 9.5: The "BroadcastEchoServer" Application 
    This is an example of an echo server that handles multiple clients simultaneously, and broadcasts messages to all active clients. This example illustrates how clients can interact with one another through the server. The behavior of this echo server is similar to the echo server in Example 9.1.2, except that this server will broadcast messages received from a client to all other active clients. This allows its clients to "chat" on-line. The BroadcastClientHandler class defines a thread that handle the clients. The BroadcastEchoServer class is the server. It contains a set of active clients, which will be used while broadcasting messages. 

    Example 9.6: The "Hello" RMI Application
    This example shows the basic elements and steps in building an RMI application. We develop an RMI server and an RMI client. The server sends a string "Hello from Venus!" to its clients. The client, which is an applet, displays the string it receives from the server. The Hello interface defines the service to be provided by the server. The HelloImpl class is the server that implements the Hello interface. The HelloApplet class is the client. 

    Example 9.7: The "BuildBeetlesTable" Application 
    This program uses JDBC to build a new database table called "Beetles". It also inserts a test record into the table and queries the table. 

    Example 9.8: The "ModifyBeetlesTable" Application 
    This example shows how to modify a database table with JDBC. The program modifies the structure of the Beetles table, updates the test record in that table, displays the modified table contents, and then deletes the test record. 

    Example 9.9: The "JdbcOrderDialog" Application 
    This example extends the Order applet from Example 6.13 so that it includes database functionality. In this version, the applet writes each order to the Order database. The OrderDialog class, from Example 6.13, is replaced by a new class JdbcOrderDialog. 

    Case Study: The Stock Ticker

    This example is a case study; a stock quote server and stock ticker client applet are created. The stock quote server maintains the current quotes of the stocks of a list of companies. A random number generator is used to simulate the fluctuation of the quotes. The stock ticker client applet displays the quotes of a selected list of companies that are of interest. The ticker symbols and quotes scroll across the ticker banner continuously. 

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