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Class simset.Head


public class Head
extends simset.Linkage
This class is used for representing circular two-way lists.

Items in a list are represented by objects of class Link, or more usefully, subclasses of Link.

See Also:
simset.Link, simset.Linkage

Constructor Index

 o Head()

Method Index

 o cardinal()
Returns the number of items currently in this list.
 o clear()
Removes all items from this list.
 o empty()
Tests if this list is empty.
 o first()
Returns the first item in this list.
 o last()
Returns the last item in this list.


 o Head
 public Head()


 o first
 public final simset.Link first()
Returns the first item in this list.

The first item.
 o last
 public final simset.Link last()
Returns the last item in this list.

The last item.
 o empty
 public final boolean empty()
Tests if this list is empty.

true, if this list is empty; false otherwise.
 o cardinal
 public final int cardinal()
Returns the number of items currently in this list.

The number of items.
 o clear
 public final void clear()
Removes all items from this list.

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