Courses in Computer Science, Roskilde University

BP: Bachelor Project


The purpose of this project is to plan, implement and test a medium size program in a general programming language (e.g., Java, C, C++, etc.); the size of the program is typically some 300-500 lines of code. The project ends up with a report explaining the motivation for project, which problem is approached, which design and implemenations were made and why, how did you plan your tests, and what did you learn from the project work. The report should be readable as an independent piece of scientific literature, so just giving in the technical document is certainly not enough! However, such documentation and the program text are relevant appendices in the report.

Students are recommended to work together in groups of 2-3 students and mix different nationalities. A personal supervisor is appointed to each project work.

NEWS, starting from Autumn semester 2012: In additional to the work in the project groups, there is a seminar series for all projects students in common on How to write a good project report which will answer questions such as when should the problem formulation (or research questions) be ready, what sections should be included, how to reference literature correctly, etc. The groups will present their own working drafts during the different phases of the project work, get advice on how to improve from a teacher and the other students.

This project amounts to 15 ECTS.

For Erasmus and guest students, the project may be their actual Bachelor project, or it may be adapted for individial needs at Bachelor or early Master level.

It is not possible to take more than one 15 ECTS Bachelor Project, even if you stay more than one semester. However, check options for a Pre-Master project.


Last modification 23-dec-2011, Henning Christiansen