Courses in Computer Science, Roskilde University

P-MP: Pre-Master Project


The Pre-Master Project is originally intended for students of Computer Science who write their Master Thesis in another subject (which is possible at Roskilde). For Erasmus and guest students, the project can be adapted for individual needs and interests. The general requirements for Pre-Master Project are more or less the same as for a Master Thesis, but in practice the level of ambition may not always be as high as that.

Students are recommended to work together in groups of 2-3 students and mix different nationalities. A personal supervisor is appointed to each project work.

NEWS, starting from Autumn semester 2012: In additional to the work in the project groups, there is a seminar series for all projects students in common on How to write a good project report which will answer questions such as when should the problem formulation (or research questions) be ready, what sections should be included, how to reference literature correctly, etc. The groups will present their own working drafts during the different phases of the project work, get advice on how to improve from a teacher and the other students.

The Pre-Master Project amounts to 15 or 30 ECTS.


Last modification 03-jan-2012, Henning Christiansen