An experimental prototype for flexible query-answering mechanisms, A metainterpretation approach

Troels Andreasen and Henning Christiansen
Department of Computer Science
Roskilde University, P.O.Box 260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark

A platform for deductive databases is presented in the shape of a metainterpreter preserving the proof and applying a separation od database clauses into distinct classes. New query-answering capabilities are achieved by revealing relevant proof details, by inference rule modelling and by constraining the inference mechanism with special proof constraints. Examples show useful ways of generating answers that are difficult to describe by other means.

Flexible Query-Answering Systems, Proc. of the 1996 Workshop (FQAS'96), Roskilde, Denmark. May 22-24, 1996, pp. 277-288.
Send you postal address to Henning Christiansen to obtain a free copy the proceedings for the FQAS'96 workshop.