Publications and reports
All scientific papers, reports, and edited works (written in English)
by Henning Christiansen.
Find more links, BibTeX, etc. in dblp:
Updated October 4, 2018.
H.Christiansen, A.M.Lindelof:
Robots on stage.
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, vol 7(25) 2020.
M.Pedersen, M.B.Andersen, H.Christiansen, N.H.Asawi:
Classification of renal tumour using convolutional neural networks to detect oncocytoma
European Journal of Radiology. 133, 109343, 5 pp. (2020)
M.Pedersen, H.Christiansen, N.H.Asawi:
Efficient and Precise Classification of CT Scannings of Renal Tumors Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 25th International Symposium, ISMIS 2020, Graz, Austria, September 23-25, 2020,
LNCS, vol 12117, 440-447 (2020)
M.H.Kirkeby, H.Christiansen:
Confluence and convergence modulo equivalence in probabilistically terminating reduction systems.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 105 (2019), pp. 217-228
M.H.Kirkeby, H.Christiansen:
Confluence of CHR revisited: invariants and modulo equivalence.
Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation:
28th International.Symposium, LOPSTR 2018, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, September 4-6, 2018, Revised Selected Papers. LNCS 11408, pp. 94-111.
Robot Gestalts in Staged Performances: Poster abstract
H.Christiansen, M.Hobye, A.M.Lindelof:
4th Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries - Faculty of Humanities - University of Copenhagen,
Copenhagen, Denmark. 2019.
H.Christiansen, M.H.Kirkeby:
Towards a constraint solver for proving confluence with invariant and equivalence of realistic CHR programs.
WFLP 2018, LNCS 11285, pp. 112-130 (2019)
L.Becerra-Bonache, H.Christiansen, M.D.Jiménez-López
A Gold Standard to Measure Relative Linguistic Complexity with a Grounded Language Learning Model
Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistic Complexity and Natural Language Processing: A workshop at COLING 2018: The 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Santa Fe: Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 1-9
pdf available somewhere at
H.Christiansen, A.M.Lindelof, M.Hobye:
Breathing Life into Familiar Domestic Objects.
IEEE RO-MAN 2018, The 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication.
Nanjing, China, August 27-31 2018. pp. 589-594 (2018)
H.Christiansen, M.H.Kirkeby: Confluence of CHR revisited: invariants and modulo equivalence [Extended version with proofs]. Computer Science Research Report, vol. 153, Roskilde University, 2018.
M.K.Kirkeby, H.Christiansen:
Confluence and Convergence in Probabilistically Terminating Reduction Systems
LOPSTR 2017, Namur, Belgium, October 10-12, 2017, Revised Selected Papers.
LNCS 10855, pp. 164-179 (2018)
H.Christiansen, M.H.Kirkeby:
Confluence in Constraint Handling Rules: A retrospective overview. Extended abstract of an invited talk given at IWC 2018 7th International Workshop on Confluence, July 7th 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom
H.Christiansen, V.Dahl:
Natural language processing with (tabled and constraint) logic programming
Declarative Logic Programming: Theory, Systems, and Applications. M.Kifer, Y.A.Liu (eds.). New York: Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 477-511 (2019)
H.Christiansen, B.Laursen:
Interactive Installations for Spatial Access to Artistic Sketchbooks.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Creative Technologies 4(12): e3 (2017)
H.Christiansen, H.Jaudoin, P.Chountas, T.Andreasen, H.L.Larsen (Eds.):
Flexible Query Answering Systems - 12th International Conference, FQAS 2017, London, UK, June 21-22, 2017, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10333, Springer 2017.
Maja H. Kirkeby, Henning Christiansen:
Confluence and Convergence in Probabilistically Terminating Reduction Systems.
LOPSTR 2017: 164-179
A simple script language for choreography of multiple, synchronizing non-anthropomorphic robots. CoRR abs/1712.08448 (2017)
Henning Christiansen and Maja H. Kirkeby. On proving confluence modulo equivalence for Constraint Handling Rules.
Formal Aspects of Computing
29 (1), pp. 57-95, 2017; DOI.
((Also available at arXiv.))
Christiansen, H., Jiménez-López, M.D., Loukanova, R., Moss, L. (eds.), Partiality and Underspecification in Information, Languages, and Knowledge
2017, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 360 p.
Henning Christiansen and
Bjørn Laursen.
Widening the Experience of Artistic Sketchbooks.
Proceedings of ArtsIT, The 5th EAI International Conference on Arts and Technology, Interactivity & Game Creation.
Esbjerg, Denmark, May 2-3, 2016.
Troels Andreasen,
Henning Christiansen and Mads Kæmsgaard Eberholst.
Ontology-Based Role Association Networks for Visualizing Trends in
Political Debate.
9th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT 2015, Lanarca, Cyprus, November 2-6, 2015. Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence vol. 9405, pp. 458-463. Springer 2015.
Henning Christiansen, Isidora Stojanovic, George A. Papadopoulos (Eds.).
Modeling and Using Context.
9th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT 2015, Lanarca, Cyprus, November 2-6,2015. Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence vol. 9405. Springer 2015.
Electronic edition DOI. List of contents in DBLP.
Andreasen, T., Christiansen, H., Kacprzyk, J., Larsen, H., Pasi, G., Pivert, O., De Tré, G., Vila, M.A., Yazici, A., Zadrozny, S. (Eds.)
Flexible Query Answering Systems 2015.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference FQAS 2015, Cracow, Poland, October 26-28, 2015.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing vol. 4000, Springer 2015.
Electronic edition DOI. List of contents in DBLP.
Troels Andreasen,
Henning Christiansen,
Christian Theil Have.
Tracing Shifts in Emotions in Streaming Social Network Data
22nd International Symposium, ISMIS 2015, Lyon, France, October 21-23, 2015, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Atificial Intelligence 9384, pp. 280-289, Springer 2015.
Henning Christiansen and Maja H. Kirkeby. Confluence modulo equivalence in Constraint Handling Rules.
Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation - 24th International
Symposium, LOPSTR 2014, Canterbury, UK, September 9-11, 2014. Revised
Selected Papers.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8981, pp. 41-58, Springer 2015.
Henning Christiansen, Constraint Programming for Context Comprehension.
In: Context in Computing, A Cross-Disciplinary Approach for Modeling the Real World.
Patrick Brezillon, Avelino Gonzalez (Eds.), pp. 401-418.
Springer, 2014.
Henning Christiansen.
Constraints and Logic Programming in Grammars and Language Analysis.
In: Constraints and Language, Philippe Blache, Henning Christiansen, Veronica Dahl, Denys Duchier, Jørgen Villadsen (eds.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. pp. 21-35.
Henning Christiansen, Bo Li.
Constraint-based Word Segmentation for Chinese.
In: Constraints and Language, Philippe Blache, Henning Christiansen, Veronica Dahl, Denys Duchier, Jørgen Villadsen (eds.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. pp. 237-251. pdf
Constraints and Language, Philippe Blache, Henning Christiansen, Veronica Dahl, Denys Duchier, Jørgen Villadsen (eds.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. pp. 237-251.
Publisher's webpage.
Henning Christiansen: Constraint Logic Programming for Resolution of Relative Time Expressions.
Language, Life, Limits - 10th Conference on Computability in Europe,
CiE 2014, Budapest, Hungary, June 23-27, 2014. Proceedings.
Springer LNCS vol. 8493, pp. 93-102, 2014.
Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen, Juan Carlos Cubero Talavera, Zbigniew W. Ras (Eds.): Foundations of Intelligent Systems - 21st International Symposium, ISMIS 2014, Roskilde, Denmark, June 25-27, 2014. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8502, Springer 2014, ISBN 978-3-319-08325-4.
Electronic edition DOI. List of contents in DBLP.
Troels Andreasen,
Henning Christiansen,
Christian Theil Have.
Querying Sentiment Development Over Time.
Proceedings of FQAS 2013. Springer LNCS vol. 8132, pp. 613-624, 2013.
Henrik Legind Larsen, Maria J. Martin-Bautista, Maria Amparo Vila, Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen (Eds.): Flexible Query Answering Systems - 10th International Conference, FQAS 2013, Granada, Spain, September 18-20, 2013. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8132, Springer 2013.
Electronic edition DOI. List of contents in DBLP.
Christian Theil Have, Sine Zambach,
Henning Christiansen:
Effects of using coding potential, sequence conservation and mRNA structure
conservation for predicting pyrrolysine containing genes.
BMC Bioinformatics 14: 118 (2013)
Matje van de Camp, Henning Christiansen
Resolving relative time expressions in Dutch text with Constraint Handling Rules.
Proceedings of Constraint Solving and Language Processing (CSLP) workshop, Orléans, 13-14 September 2012.
Springer LNCS vol. 8114, pp. 166-177, 2013.
Henning Christiansen
An adaptation of Constraint Handling Rules for Interactive and Intelligent Installations.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules, Budapest.
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Department of Computer Science, Report CW 624 (eds. J. Sneyers, T. Frühwirth),
pp. 1-15, 2012.
Available as pdf.
Henning Christiansen, Christian Theil Have, Ole Torp Lassen,
Matthieu Petit.
A Declarative Pipeline Language for Complex Data Analysis.
Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 22nd International Symposium, LOPSTR 2012, Leuven, Belgium, September 18-20, 2012,
Revised Selected Papers (ed. E. Albert).
Springer LNCS vol. 7844, pp. 17-34, 2013.
Henning Christiansen.
An exposition of abductive reasoning through logic programming with constraints.
Presentation at SLS 2012, the Scandinavian Logic Symposium, Roskilde, Denmark,
August 20-21, 2012. (Locally printed proceedings; online version).
Christian Theil Have,
Henning Christiansen,
Efficient Tabling of Structured Data Using Indexing and Program Transformation.
Proceedings of PADL'12, Fourteenth International Symposium on
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, January 23-24, 2012.
Springer LNCS vol. 7149, pp. 93-107, 2012.
Available as pdf.
Henning Christiansen,
Guy De Tre, Adnan Yazici, Slawomir Zadrozny, Troels Andreasen,
Henrik Legind Larsen (editors).
Flexible Query Answering Systems, 9th International Conference, FQAS 2011 Ghent, Belgium, October 26-28, 2011 Proceedings.
Volume 7022 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer 2011.
Michael Beigl, Henning Christiansen,
Thomas Roth-Berghofer, Anders Kofod-Petersen, Kenny Coventry, Hedda R. Schmidtke (editors),
Modeling and Using Context - 7th International and Interdisciplinary Conference,
CONTEXT 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 26-30, 2011. Proceedings.
Volume 6967 Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Springer 2011.
Henning Christiansen, Bo Li,
Approaching the Chinese Word Segmentation Problem with CHR Grammars.
Proceedings of CSLP 2011, the 6th International Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing.
A workshop at CONTEXT '11: The 7th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling
and Using Context 2011. Karlsruhe, Germany, September 27, 2011.
Available as pdf.
Henning Christiansen,
Philippe Blache, Veronica Dahl, Jørgen Villadsen
Proceedings of CSLP 2011, the 6th International Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing.
A workshop at CONTEXT '11: The 7th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling
and Using Context 2011. Karlsruhe, Germany, September 27, 2011.
Henning Christiansen, Amr Hany Saleh,
Modeling dependent events with CHRiSM for probabilistic abduction,
Proc. 8th International Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules,
September 8, 2011, Cairo, Egypt.
Available as pdf.
Henning Christiansen,
Christian Theil Have,
Ole Torp Lassen
and Matthieu Petit.
Bayesian Annotation Networks for Complex Sequence Analysis.
ICLP (Technical Communications) 2011: 220-230.
DOI (BibTeX and pdf)
Christian Theil Have,
Henning Christiansen.
Modeling repeats in DNA using extended probabilistic regular expressions.
Biology, Computation and Linguistics, New Interdisciplinary Paradigms.
Edited by Gemma Bel-Enquix, Veronica Dahl and M. Dolores Jiménez López.
Volume 228 of "Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications", IOS Press 2011,
pp. 55-70.
Presented at
International Work-Conference on Linguistics,
Biology and Computer Science: Interplays,
Tarragona, Spain, March 14-18, 2011.
Henning Christiansen,
Christian Theil Have,
Ole Torp Lassen
and Matthieu Petit.
Taming the Zoo of Discrete HMM Subspecies & some of their Relatives.
Biology, Computation and Linguistics, New Interdisciplinary Paradigms.
Edited by Gemma Bel-Enquix, Veronica Dahl and M. Dolores Jiménez López.
Volume 228 of "Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications", IOS Press 2011,
pp. 28-42.
Presented at
International Work-Conference on Linguistics,
Biology and Computer Science: Interplays,
Tarragona, Spain, March 14-18, 2011.
See special website
with paper as pdf and source text of all example programs.
Henning Christiansen.
Adaptable Grammars for Non-Context-Free Languages (Extended and revised version),
Bio-Inspired Models for Natural and Formal Languages.
Bel-Enguix, G. & Jiménez López, M. D. (red.).
Cambridge Scholars Publishing p. 33-51. 2011.
Available as pdf.
Gemma Bel-Enguix, Henning Christiansen,
M.Dolores Jiménez-López.
Grammatical View of Language Evolution
Proc. 1st International Workshop on AI Methods for Interdisciplinary Research
in Language and Biology - BILC 2011, Rome, Jan. 29, 2011.
Bel-Enguix, G., Dahl, V. & Ortega De La Puente, A. (eds.). Portugal: SciTePress pp. 57-66.
Available as pdf.
Henning Christiansen, Christian Theil Have,
Ole Torp Lassen
and Matthieu Petit.
The Viterbi Algorithm expressed in Constraint Handling Rules.
Proceedings of CHR 2010,
Seventh International Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules.
CW 588, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Departement Computerwetenschappen.
Henning Christiansen,
Logic Programming for Linguistics: a short introduction to Prolog, and Logic Grammars with
as an easy way to Syntax and Semantics,
September 2010, pp. 31-64.
Henning Christiansen,
Christian Theil Have,
Ole Torp Lassen
and Matthieu Petit.
Inference with Constrained Hidden Markov Models in PRISM.
Theory and Practice of
Logic Programming, 26th Int’l. Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP’10) Special Issue,
10((4–6)):449-464, July 2010.
Available as pdf.
Leo Bertossi, Henning Christiansen (eds.).
Proceedings of
LID 2009,
International Workshop on
Logic in Databases, Roskilde University, Denmark, October 29, 2009,
To appear as a volume of
Computer Science Research Report, Roskilde University, 2009.
Troels Andreasen,
Ronald R. Yager,
Henrik Bulskov,
Henning Christiansen,
Henrik Legind Larsen (editors).
Flexible Query Answering Systems: 8th International Conference,
FQAS 2009, Roskilde, Denmark,
October 26-28, 2009, Proceedings.
Volume 5822 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009.
Henning Christiansen.
Christian Theil Have,
Ole Torp Lassen, Matthieu Petit.
A Constraint Model for Constrained Hidden Markov Models: a first Biological Application
WCB09, Workshop on
Constraint Based Methods for Bioinformatics,
Associated to CP 2009.
Lisbon, Portugal, September 20, 2009.
Henning Christiansen,
Ole Torp Lassen,
Preprocessing for Optimization of Probabilistic-Logic Models for Sequence Analysis.
Logic Programming. 25th International Conference, ICLP 2009.
Pasadena, California, USA, July 14-17, 2009.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5649, pp. 70-83, Springer 2009.
Henning Christiansen,
John P. Gallagher.
Non-discriminating Arguments and their Uses.
Logic Programming. 25th International Conference, ICLP 2009.
Pasadena, California, USA, July 14-17, 2009.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5649, pp. 55-69, Springer 2009.
(Appointed the best paper of the conference)
Matthieu Petit, Henning Christiansen.
Un calcul de Viterbi pour un Modèle de Markov Caché Contraint.
Journées Francophone de Programmation par Contraintes, JFPC,
Orléans, France. June 3-5, 2009.
See online proceedings
Henning Christiansen, Verónica Dahl,
Abductive Logic Grammars.
Language, Information and Computation. 16th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2009.
Tokyo, Japan, June 21-24, 2009.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5514, pp. 170-181, Springer 2009.
Henning Christiansen,
Adaptable Grammars for Non-Context-Free Languages.
Bio-Inspired Systems:
Computational and Ambient Intelligence,
10th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009
(special session devoted to Third International Workshop on
Salamanca, Spain, June 10-12, 2009.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5517, pp. 488-503, Springer 2009.
Henning Christiansen.
Executable specifications for
hypothesis-based reasoning with
Prolog and Constraint Handling Rules,
Journal of Applied Logic, vol 7, 2009. pp. 341-362
Preliminary version available as pdf.
Henning Christiansen.
Implementing Probabilistic Abductive Logic Programming with Constraint Handling Rules,
35 pp., Constraint Handling Rules, Current Research Topics.
T. Schrijvers, T. Frühwirth (eds.). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5388,
Springer 2008. pp. 85-118
Available as pdf.
Henning Christiansen.
Logic Grammars Extended with Constraint Logic (Abstract of invited tutorial).
Linguistics and Formal Linguages; Proceedings of the Second International Worlshop; Non-Classical Formal Languages in Linguistics, ForLing 2008.
Gemma Bel-Enguix, M. Dolores Jimenes-Lopes (eds.),
ISBN 978-84-612-6451-3, pp. 3-4.
Tarragona, Spain 2008.
Henning Christiansen.
Introduction to Constraints and Language Processing.
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on
Constraints and Language Processing, CSLP 2008 (a workshop at ESSLLI, 2008). pp. 3-4.
Computer Science Research Report 122, Roskilde University, 2008.
Jørgen Villadsen,
Henning Christiansen (eds.).
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on
Constraints and Language Processing, CSLP 2008 (a workshop at ESSLLI, 2008). pp. 3-4.
Computer Science Research Report 122, Roskilde University, 2008.
Henning Christiansen.
Prioritized Abduction with CHR,
Fifth Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules,
Hagenberg, Austria, July 14, 2008.
Henning Christiansen.
Probabilistic Abductive Logic Programming in
Constraint Handling Rules.
CSCLP 2008:
Annual ERCIM Workshop on
Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming
ISTC-CNR, Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology
Rome, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.
Henning Christiansen,
Christian Theil Have,
Knut Tveitane.
From use cases to UML class diagrams using logic grammars and constraints.
G. Angelova, K. Bontcheva, R. Mitkov, N. Nicolov, N. Nikolov (eds.):
International Conference: Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing: Proceedings
Proc. RANLP 2007, Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing.
Shoumen, Bulgaria: INCOMA Ltd.,
pp. 128-132
Available as pdf.
Henning Christiansen.
Logic-statistic modeling and analysis of biological sequence data: a research agenda.
A. Doncescu,
P. A. Flach,
K. Inoue,
A. C. Kakas,
O. Ray (eds.),
Pre-Proceedings of the 2007 International Workshop on Abduction and Induction in Artificial Intelligence (AIAI'07).
pp. 42-49.
Available as pdf.
Henning Christiansen,
Christian Theil Have,
Knut Tveitane.
Reasoning about Use Cases using Logic Grammars and Constraints.
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on
Constraints and Language Processing, CSLP 2007. pp. 40-52.
Computer Science Research Report 113, Roskilde University, 2007.
Henning Christiansen, Jørgen Villadsen (eds.).
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on
Constraints and Language Processing, CSLP 2007. 101 pp.,
Computer Science Research Report 113, Roskilde University, 2007.
Henning Christiansen, Christina Mackeprang Dahmcke,
A Machine Learning Approach to Test Data Generation:
A Case Study in Evaluation of Gene Finders.
Proceedings of MLDM'2007,
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition
July 18-20, 2007, Leipzig/Germany, pp. 741-755.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4571, 2007.
Available as pdf.
Henning Christiansen, Maria Rekouts,
Integrity Checking and Maintenance with Active Rules in XML Databases.
BNCODwebim, BNCOD Workshop on Web Information management,
2-3 July 2007, Glasgow, UK. pp. 59-67, IEEE, 2007.
Henning Christiansen, Davide Martinenghi,
On using Simplification and Correction Tables for
Integrity Maintenance in Integrated Databases.
LAAIC'06, Second International Workshop on
Logical Aspects and Applications of Integrity Constraints,
Included in
Proc. DEXA 2006, Seventeenth Int'l Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications,
4-8 September 2006, Krakow, Poland,
pp. 569-573, IEEE Computer Society, 2006.
Write to the authors for a copy.
Henning Christiansen, Davide Martinenghi, (eds.)
LAAIC'06, Second International Workshop on
Logical Aspects and Applications of Integrity Constraints,
Included in
Proc. DEXA 2006, Seventeenth Int'l Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications,
4-8 September 2006, Krakow, Poland,
pp. 525-573, IEEE Computer Society, 2006.
Henrik Legind Larsen, Gabriella Pasi, Daniel Ortiz Arroyo,
Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen (editors).
Flexible Query Answering Systems: 7th International Conference,
FQAS 2006, Milan, Italy,
June 7-10, 2006, Proceedings.
Volume 4027 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006.
Springer Online version.
Henning Christiansen,
On the Implementation of Global Abduction.
Seventh Workshop on Computational Logic in
Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA-VII),
May 8-9, 2006.
Future University, Hakodate, Japan.
K. Inoue, K. Satoh, F. Toni (eds.), pp. 226-245.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4371.
See paper as pdf.
Davide Martinenghi, Henning Christiansen,
Hendrik Decker,
Integrity Checking and Maintenance
in Relational and Deductive Databases --- and Beyond.
Survey paper; chapter of Intelligent Databases: Technologies and Applications;
Zongmin Ma (ed.),
IdeaGroup, 2006.
Henning Christiansen, Davide Martinenghi,
On Simplification of Database Integrity Constraints.
Fundamenta Informaticae; vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 371-417, 2006.
Henning Christiansen, Mohand-Said Hacid (Eds.).
Flexible Query Answering Systems, the first ten years.
Special issue of
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems,
vol. 26, no. 1, 2006.
(6 papers; Introduction pp. 5-6)
Henning Christiansen, Davide Martinenghi,
Incremental integrity checking: limitations and possibilities.
LPAR 2005,
12th international conference on Logic for Programming and
Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning.
Jamaica, 2-6 December 2005.
pp. 712-727,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3835.
full paper at SpringerLink.
Henning Christiansen, Jørgen Villadsen (eds).
Constraint Solving and Language Processing;
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop.
Sitges, Spain, October 5, 2005,
Datalogiske skrifter 104,
Roskilde University, 2005.
Henning Christiansen,
Reasoning about passive declarations in CHR.
Proc. CHR 2005,
Second Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules,
an ICLP 2005 workshop,
October 5, 2005.
See full paper as pdf.
Henning Christiansen, Verónica Dahl,
HYPROLOG: A New Logic Programming
Language with Assumptions and Abduction, In:
International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP'05,
M. Gabbrielli and G. Gupta (Eds.), pp. 159-173, 2005.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3668.
See pdf
Davide Martinenghi, Henning Christiansen,
Efficient integrity checking for databases with recursive views
Proc. ADBIS 2005,
9th East-European Conference on Advances
in Databases and Information Systems, pp. 109-124,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3631, 2005.
See pdf
Henning Christiansen, Davide Martinenghi, (eds.)
LAAIC'05, First International Workshop on
Logical Aspects and Applications of Integrity Constraints,
Included in
Proc. DEXA 2005, Int'l Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications,
11-26 August 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark,
pp. 801-858, IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
Davide Martinenghi, Henning Christiansen,
Transaction management with integrity checking,
Proc. DEXA 2005,
16th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications,
K.V. Andersen, J. Debenham, and R. Wagner (Eds.), pp. 606-615, 2005.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3588.
See pdf
Henning Christiansen,
Experiences and directions for Abduction and
Induction using Constraint Handling Rules.
Workshop on Integration of Abduction and Induction in AI.
Edinburgh, Scotland, July 29, 2005.
See full paper as pdf.
Henning Christiansen, Verónica Dahl,
Meaning in Context, In:
Proc. CONTEXT'05,
the Fourth International and Interdisciplinary Conference
on Modeling and Using Context, Paris, France, 5-8 July 2005.
Dey, A., Kokinov, B., Leake, D., Turner, R. (eds.),
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3554.
pp. 97-111,
Henning Christiansen,
CHR grammars.
International Journal on Theory and Practice
of Logic Programming, vol. 4+5,
special issue on Constraint Handling Rules, pp. 467-501,
Available at CoRR.
Henning Christiansen, Peter Rossen Skadhauge, Jørgen Villadsen, (eds.)
Proceedings of CSLP, 1st Int'l Workshop on Constraint Solving and Language Processing
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3438 (2005);
preliminary version as Datalogiske Skrifter 99 (2004).
Henning Christiansen,
Prolog as description and implementation language in
computer science teaching.
Proceedings of
The First International Workshop on
Teaching Logic Programming - TeachLP 2004.
M. Ducassé, U. Nilsson, D. Seipel (Eds.).
September 8-9, 2004, Saint-Malo, France.
pp. 43-54.
Henning Christiansen, Verónica Dahl,
Assumptions and Abduction in Prolog
Proceedings of
WLPE 2004: 14th Workshop on
Logic Programming Environments
MultiCPL 2004: Third Workshop on
Multiparadigm Constraint Programming
Workshop Proceedings
September 2004, Saint-Malo, France.
Susana Muñoz-Hernández,
José Manuel Gómez-Perez, and Petra Hofstedt (Eds.)
pp. 87-101.
Henning Christiansen, Mohand-Said Hacid, Troels Andreasen,
Henrik Legind Larsen (Eds.):
Flexible Query Answering Systems
6th International Conference, FQAS 2004. Lyon, France, June 2004.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
conference homepage.
Henning Christiansen,
CHR Grammars with multiple constraint stores.
First Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules: Selected Contributions,
May 10-14, 2004, University of Ulm, Germany.
Thom Frühwirth, Marc Meister (eds.),
Ulmer Informatik-Berichte 2004-01,
ISSN 0939-5091.
Henning Christiansen, Davide Martinenghi,
Simplification of integrity constraints for data integration.
Third International Symposium on
Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS),
February 17-20, 2004, Vienna, Austria.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2942, pp. 31-48,
abstract, pdf.
Henning Christiansen,
Teaching computer languages and elementary theory for
mixed audiences at university level.
Computer Science Education Journal, Volume 14, Number 3, September 2004.
pp. 205-234.
See pdf.
Henning Christiansen,
A constraint-based bottom-up counterpart to DCG.
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing,
Selected papers from RANLP 2003,
Nicolov, N., Botcheva, K., Mitkov, M. (eds.)
CILT book series (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory),
John Benjamins Publishers, Amsterdam (2004).
See pdf.
Henning Christiansen, Davide Martinenghi,
Simplification of database integrity constraints revisited:
A transformational approach.
Proceedings of LOPSTR 2003, International Symposium on
Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation, Uppsala, Sweden,
August 25-27, 2003. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004.
Henning Christiansen, Verónica Dahl,
Logic Grammars for Diagnosis and Repair.
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools,
Vol. 2, no. 3 (2003), pp. 227-248.
Troels Andreasen, Amihai Motro, Henning Christiansen, Henrik Legind Larsen (Eds.):
Flexible Query Answering Systems
5th International Conference, FQAS 2002. Copenhagen, Denmark, October 27-29, 2002.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Available online from Springer.
Henning Christiansen, Verónica Dahl,
Logic Grammars for Diagnosis and Repair.
ICTAI'02, proc. of
14th IEEE International Conference on Tools with
Artificial Intelligence,
November 4-6, 2002
Washington D.C. pp. 307-314,
IEEE 2002.
Henning Christiansen,
Abductive language interpretation as bottom-up deduction.
Wintner, S. (ed.):
Proc. NLULP 2002,
Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming,
Copenhagen, Denmark, July 28th, 2002.
Datalogiske Skrifter 92, pp. 33-48, Roskilde University, 2002.
Henning Christiansen, (2002) Logical grammars based on constraint handling rules,
(Poster abstract).
Proc. 18th Int'l Conference on Logic Programming,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2401, p. 481,
LNCS online version
Henning Christiansen,
Using Prolog as metalanguage for teaching
programming language concepts.
In Kacprzyk J., M.
Krawczak and S. Zadrozny (eds.) Issues in Information Technology, EXIT,
Warszawa, 2002, pp. 59-82.
Henning Christiansen,
CHR as grammar formalism, a first report.
Sixth Annual Workshop of the ERCIM Working group on Constraints,
Prague, Czech Republic, June 18-20, 2001.
Available at CoRR:
2000 and earlier
Slim Abdennadher,
Henning Christiansen,
An Experimental CLP Platform for Integrity Constraints and Abduction.
Proceedings of FQAS2000,
pp. 141--152, Advances in Soft Computing series, Springer, 2000.
Henrik Legind Larsen, Janusz Kacprzyk,
Slawomir Zadrozny,
Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen (Eds.):
Flexible Query Answering Systems, Recent Advances,
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems,
FQAS 2000, October 25 - 28, 2000, Warsaw, Poland.
Physica-Verlag Heidelberg New York, A Springer-Verlag Company.
Henning Christiansen,
Davide Martinenghi
Symbolic constraints for meta-logic programming,
Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence,
vol. 14, pp. 345–367, 2000.
See abstract
Henning Christiansen,
Abduction and induction combined in a metalogic framework,
Abductive and Inductive Reasoning:
Essays on their Relation and Integration,
Flach. P., Kakas, A., (eds.),
pp. 195-211,
Kluwer, 2000.
Henning Christiansen,
Integrity constraints and constraint logic
Invited talk at INAP'99;
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference
on Application of Prolog, pp. 5-12.
Henning Christiansen,
Open theories and abduction for context and accommodation.
2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on
Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT'99),
Bouquet, P., Brezillon, P., Serafini, L. (eds.)
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1688.
Springer-Verlag, pp. 455-458, 1999.
Henning Christiansen,
Negation in the DEMO system: a progress report.
Proc. of ECAI98 Workshop Abduction and Induction in AI,
Brighton, 25 August, 1998, (Flach, P., Kakas, A., eds.),
pp. 33-40.
Available at workshop home page
Henning Christiansen,
Automated reasoning with a constraint-based metainterpreter,
Journal of Logic Programming, 1998.
Vol 37(1-3) Oct-Dec 98, pp. 213-253
abstract, pdf.
Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen, Henrik Legind Larsen (eds.),
Flexible Query Answering Systems,
Third International Conference, FQAS'98,
Roskilde, Denmark, May 1998, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1495.
Springer-Verlag 1998.
See Table of contents
and Conference home page.
Henrik Legind Larsen, Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen,
Knowledge discovery for flexible querying.
Proc. of Third International Conference, FQAS'98,
Roskilde, Denmark, May 1998.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1495.
Springer-Verlag, pp. 227-235, 1998.
See pdf.
Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen
A practical approach to
hypothetical database queries,
Freitag, B., Decker, H., Kifer, M.,
Voronkov, A. (eds.),
"Transactions and Change in Logic Databases"
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1472, pp. 340-356, 1998.
abstract, pdf.
Henning Christiansen,
Implicit program synthesis by
a reversible metainterpreter
(Invited talk).
In: Fuchs, N.E. (ed.),
"Proceedings of the Seventh
International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis
and Transformation LOPSTR '97",
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1463,
pp. 90-110, 1998.
Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen, Henrik Legind Larsen (eds.)
Flexible Query Answering Systems,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
Edited collection of papers,
List of contents,
Ordering information.
Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen,
Nonstandard database interaction from metalogic programming.
Flexible Query Answering Systems,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
pp. 61-78.
See abstract.
Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen,
Hypothetical queries to deductive databases.
Eds. Geske, U., Ruiz, C., Seipel, D.,
Proc. of the 5th International Workshop
on Deductive Databases and Logic Programming.
Workshop in Conjunction with
ICLP'97, Leuven, Belgium, July 11, 1997.
GMD-Studien 317,
Informationstechnik GMBH,
pp. 37-48, 1997.
See abstract.
Henning Christiansen,
Deriving declarations from programs,
Extended abstract, March 1997, 7pp.,
Accepted for
Workshop on
Constraint Programming for Reasoning about Programming,
Leeds, April 9-10th, 1997
Henning Christiansen,
On solving member and instance constraints,
Metaprogramming and Metareasoning in Logic (META96),
Tech. Repr. 127, Uppsala University, Compoure Science Dept., 1996,
pp. 13-25.
Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen,
Counterfactual exceptions in deductive database queries.
12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
ECAI'96, August 11-16,1996, Budapest, Hungary.
pp. 340-344.
Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen,
Flexible query-answering systems modelled in metalogic programming.
ECAI'96 workshop "Knowledge Representation Meets Databases,
August 13, 1996, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1-7.
Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen,
An experimental prototype for flexible query-answering mechanisms,
A metainterpretation approach.
Flexible Query-Answering Systems,
Proc. of the 1996 Workshop (FQAS'96), Roskilde,
Denmark. May 22-24, 1996, pp. 277-288.
Henning Christiansen, Henrik Legind Larsen, Troels Andreasen (eds.)
Flexible Query-Answering Systems,
Proc. of the 1996 Workshop (FQAS'96), Roskilde,
Denmark. May 22-24, 1996, (306 pp.)
Datalogiske skrifter 62,
Roskilde University, 1996.
Henning Christiansen,
Alternative Reasoning in a Metaprogramming System.
Proc. of the ICLP'95 Joint Workshop
"Deductive Databases and Logic Programming",
"Abduction in Deductive Databases and knowledge-based Systems",
Shonan Village Center,
Japan, June 17, 1995. GMD-Studien 266,
Gesellshaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung MBH,
pp. 175-186, 1995.
Henning Christiansen, Troels Andreasen, Alf Beck Nielsen,
Negative counterfactuals as constraints in deductive database,
in Flexible Query-Answering Systems, Proc. of the 1994 Workshop.
Datalogiske skrifter 58, pp. 105-112, 1995.
Henning Christiansen,
Efficient and Complete demo predicates for definite
clause languages.
(Poster summary)
Proc. Eleventh International Conference on Logic Programming,
S. Margerita Ligure, Italy, June 13-18 1994.
MIT Press, pp. 735-736, 1994.
Henning Christiansen,
On proof predicates in logic programming.
In: A.Momigliani and M.Ornaghi,
eds. "Proof-Theoretical Extensions of Logic Programming",
CMU, Pittsburgh, PA 15231-3890, USA.
Proceedings of an ICLP-94 Post-Conference Workshop, 1994.
Henning Christiansen,
Efficient and complete demo predicate for definite clause languages.
Datalogiske skrifter 51, Roskilde University, 1994.
Henning Christiansen,
A complete demo predicate with co-routine control
for automatic program synthesis.
Proc. Second Compulog Area Meeting
on Programming Languages joint with Workshop on Logic Languages,
Progretto Finalizzato Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo,
Pisa, Italy, May 6-7, 1993. Pp. 7-10.
Henning Christiansen:
Why should grammars not adapt themselves to context and discourse?
Abstract collection, 4th International Pragmatics Conference, Kobe,
Japan, July 23.-30. 1993,
International Pragmatics Association, 1993. P. 23.
See Conference handout (Extended abstract)
Henning Christiansen,
Models and resolution principles for logical
meta-programming languages,
INRIA Rapports de Recherche 1594, 1992.
Henning Christiansen,
A complete resolution principle for
logical meta-programming languages, META92, Workshop
on Meta-Programming in Logic, 10-12 June 1992, Uppsala, Sweden, 1992. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 649,
pp.205‹219, Springer-Verlag 1992.
Datalogiske skrifter 38, 1992).
See abstract.
Henning Christiansen,
Even non-recursive calls of binary demo may loop.
Logic Pprogramming, The Newsletter of the Association
for Logic Programming, 5/4, pp. 16-17, Nov. 1992.
Henning Christiansen,
The Omikron Project.
7th Annual Apple European University Consortium,
Conference Proceedings, 30th April to 2nd May, 1991, Paris, France,
pp. 30-32. (Also
Datalogiske skrifter 34,
Roskilde University, 1991)
Henning Christiansen,
Declarative semantics of a meta-programming language, META90,
Workshop on Meta-Programming in Logic,
4-6 April 1990, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 150-168, 1990.
See abstract, dvi,
Henning Christiansen,
A survey of adaptable grammars,
SIGPLAN Notices, 25/11, pp. 35-44, 1990.
Henning Christiansen,
Structure-sharing in attribute grammars,
Programming Languages Implementation and
Logic Programming, International Workshop,
Orleans, France, May 1988,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 348, pp. 180-200,
Springer-Verlag, 1989.
Henning Christiansen,
Structure sharing in incremental systems,
Structured Programming, 10/4, pp. 169-186, 1989.
Henning Christiansen,
Extensible logic for extensible languages,
Datalogiske skrifter 21,
Roskilde University, 1989.
Henning Christiansen,
Skala - a specification language for visual
program presentation,
Datalogiske skrifter 12,
Roskilde University, 1988.
Henning Christiansen,
The syntax and semantics of extensible languages,
41 pp.
Datalogiske skrifter 14,
Roskilde University, 1988.
See pdf, abstract.
Henning Christiansen,
Programming as language development,
Ph.D. thesis (summary),
Datalogiske skrifter 15,
Roskilde University, 1988.
Henning Christiansen, (ed.),
Programming environments - programming paradigms.
Proceedings of a workshop at Roskilde University,
October 22-24, 1986, (235 pp.),
Datalogiske skrifter 7,
Roskilde University, 1987.
See list of contents.
Henning Christiansen,
Recognition of generative languages,
Programs as Data Objects,
Workshop in Copenhagen, Denmark, October 1985,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 217, pp. 63-81,
Springer-Verlag, 1986.
Henning Christiansen,
Parsing and compilation of generative languages,
Datalogiske skrifter 3, Roskilde University, 1986.
Henning Christiansen,
Context-sensitive parsing in full Prolog,
Datalogiske skrifter 5, Roskilde University, 1986.
Henning Christiansen,
Syntax, semantics, and implementation strategies
for programming languages with powerful abstraction mechanisms,
Proc. of 18th Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, vol. 2, pp. 57-66, 1985.
Datalogiske skrifter 1, 1985)
Henning Christiansen, Neil Jones,
Control flow treatment in a simple
semantics-directed compiler generator,
Proc. of Formal Description of Programming Concepts II,
pp. 73-97, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1983.
Henning Christiansen, Neil Jones,
Mathematical foundation of a semantics-directed compiler generator,
DAIMI PB-148, Aarhus University, 1982.
Neil Jones, Henning Christiansen,
Control flow treatment in a simple semantics-directed
compiler generator, DAIMI PB-137, Aarhus University, 1981.
Henning Christiansen, Neil Jones,
Control flow aspects of an algebraic
approach to compiler generation,
Proc. of RIMS, Kyoto, Japan, 1981.
Henning Christiansen,
A new approach to Compiler Generation,
Masters Thesis, Internal DAIMI Report,
Aarhus University, Computer Science Department, 1981.