Materials for the study of Fibonacci


Scritti di Leonardo Pisano:


Liber abbaci, ed. Baldasssare Boncompagni 1857


Practica geometriae ed Opuscoli, ed. Baldasssare Boncompagni 1862



Leonardo Pisano    Liber abaci


Word index to Laurence Sigler’s translation of the Liber abbaci (New York: Springer,

2002), with indication of corresponding pages in Boncompagni’s edition

Articles, prepositions, pronouns, common adverbs and numerals are omitted.



See also:




“Leonardo Fibonacci and Abbaco Culture: a Proposal to Invert the Roles”. Revue d'Histoire des Mathématiques 11 (2005), 23–56. Preprint. Errata.





“Fibonacci – Protagonist or Witness? Who Taught Catholic Christian Europe about Mediterranean Commercial Arithmetic?”. Paper presented at the workshop “Borders and Gates or Open Spaces? Knowledge Cultures in the Mediterranean During the 14th and 15th Centuries”. Preprint, 26 December 2010 ”.



 “For the celebration of Enrico Giusti’s edition of the Liber abbaci, 13 November 2020”. Expanded version, 19 November 2020. Manuscript, 19.11.2020.


Review of Barnabas B. Hughes (ed., trans.), Fibonacci's De practica geometrie. New York: Springer, 2008. Historia Mathematica online. DOI: 10.1016/ Manuscript.




“Fibonacci, Leonardo”, pp. 58–61 in The Encyclopaedie of Islam III. Leiden & Boston:: Brill, 2016. Manuscript.



 “Peeping into Fibonacci’s Study Room”. Ganita Bhāratī 43 (2021), 1–70.



“Observations and Reflections Concerning the First Volume of a New Edition of the Liber abbaci [Essay review of Giuseppe Germano & Nicoletta Rozza (ed., trans.), Leonardo Pisano detto il Fibonacci, Liber abaci. Il libro del calcolo. Epistola a Michele Scoto – Prologo –
Indice – Capitoli I–IV
. Napoli: Paoli Loffredo, 2019].. Athenaeum. Studi di Letteratura e Storia dell’Antichita 109 (2021), 618–627.



Review of Enrico Giusti_Leonardo Bigolli Pisani vulgo Fibonacci, Liber abbaci. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 2020]. zbMATH Open Zbl 1457.01028 (2021)


“Observations and Reflections Concerning the First Volume of a New Edition of the Liber abbaci [Essay review of Giuseppe Germano & Nicoletta Rozza (ed., trans.), Leonardo Pisano detto il Fibonacci, Liber abaci. Il libro del calcolo. Epistola a Michele Scoto – Prologo – Indice – Capitoli I–IV. Napoli: Paoli Loffredo, 2019]”. Athenaeum 109 (2021), 618–627