Cf. also Abbacus mathematics
A:6 |
Philosophy: Accident, Epiphenomenon or Contributory Cause of the Changing Trends of Mathematics. A Sketch of the Development from the Twelfth through the Sixteenth Century. (Filosofi og Videnskabsteori på Roskilde Universitetscenter. 1. Række: Enkeltpublikationer 1987 Nr. 1). Roskilde: Roskilde Universititetscenter. Included in A:10. |
C:7 | “Archimedism, not Platonism: on a Malleable Ideology of Renaissance Mathematicians (1400 to 1600), and on its Role in the Formation of Seventeenth-Century Philosophies of Science”, pp. 81–110 in Corrado Dollo (ed.), Archimede. Mito Tradizione Scienza. (Biblioteca di Nuncius. Studi e testi IV). Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 1992. |
“ |
“Über den italienischen Hintergrund der Rechenmeister-Mathematik”. Beitrag zur Tagung “Die Rechenmeister in der Renaissance und der frühen Neuzeit. Stand der Forschung und Perspektiven”, München, Deutsches Museum, 29. Februar 2008. Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Preprint 349. |
“Archimedes – Knowledge and Lore from Latin Antiquity to the Outgoing European Renaissance”. Ganita Bharati 39 (2017), 1B22.
D:18 | “Archimedes: Reception in the Renaissance”, in Marco Sgarbi (ed.), Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy. Cham: Springer, 2019. |
D:17 | “Abbacus School”, in Marco Sgarbi (ed.), Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy. Cham: Springer, 2018. |
D:19 | “Euclid: Reception in the Renaissance”, in Marco Sgarbi (ed.), Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy. Cham: Springer, 2019. |
B:46 |
“Pedro Nuñez: Innovateur bloqué, et dernier témoin d'une tradition millénaire”. Gazeta de Matemática no 143 (Julho 2002), 52–59. Manuscript. |
and Less Explicit Algorithmic Thinking, 1200-1500. Jordanus de Nemore, and
the Contrast between Barthelemy de Romans et Chuquet”.
Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche 28 (2018), 9 |
A:25 |
The World of the Abbaco: Abbacus Mathematics Analyzed and Situated Historically between Fibonacci and Stifel. Cham: Springer, 2024. |
A:27 |
Explorations and False Trails: The Innovative Techniques That Eventually Brought About Modern Algebra. Cham etc.: Springer, 2024.
E:74 |
[Review of Maryvonne Spiesser (ed.), Une arithmétique commerciale du XVe siècle. Le Compendy de la praticque des nombres de Barthélemy de Romans. (De Diversis artibus, 70) Turnhout: Brepols, 2004]. Nuncius 20 (2005), 481–482. Manuscript. |
E:76 |
[Review of Stefan Deschauer, Die Arithmetik-Vorlesung des Georg Joachim Rheticus, Wittenberg 1536. Eine kommentierte Edition der Handschrift X-278 (8) der Estnischen Akademischen Bibliothek. (Algorismus, 42). Augsburg: Erwin Rauner, 2003]. Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete Zbl 1086.01017. |
E:16 |
[Review of A. Gerl. Trigonometrisch-astronomisches Rechnen kurz vor Copernicus. Der Briefwechsel Regiomontanus-Bianchini. (Boethius. Texte und Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der exakten Naturwissenschaften, Band XXI). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1989]. Mathematical Reviews 91b:01021 (1991). |
E:62 |
[Review of William H. Donahue (ed., trans.), Johannes Kepler, Optics. Paralipomena to Witelo & Optical Part of Astronomy. Santa Fe, New Mexico: Green Lion Press, 20002]. Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete 0987.01005. |
E:67 |
[Review of Ann E. Moyer, The Philosophers' Game. Rithmomachia in Medieval and Renaissance Europe. With an Edition of Ralph Lever and William Fulke, The Most Noble, Auncient, and Learned Playe (1563). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001] Annals of Science 61 (2004), 504–505. Manuscript. |
E:82 |
Review of Sabine Rommevaux, Clavius: une clé pour Euclide au XVIe siècle. (Mathesis.). Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2005. Isis 98 (2007), 621–622. Manuscript. |
Review of Arielle Saiber, Giordano Bruno and the Geometry of Language. (Literary and Scientific Cultures of Early Modernity). Aldershot & Burlington: Ashgate, 2005. Written for Mathematical Reviews. Manuscript. |
[Review of Bernd Rüdiger, Rainer Gebhardt & Menso Folkerts (eds), Adam Ries, Coß 1. 2 vols. Annaberg-Buchholz: Adam-Ries-Bund, 2023]. zbMATH Open DE07697377X. |
[Review of Bernd Rüdiger, Rainer Gebhardt & Menso Folkerts (eds), Adam Ries, Coß 1. 2 vols. Annaberg-Buchholz: Adam-Ries-Bund, 2023]. Historia Mathematica 64 (2023), 48–56, |
[Review of Martin Hellmann (ed., trans.), Johannes Regiomontanus, Aufgaben und Übungen zur Algebra. Aus der Handschrift New York, Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Plimpton 188 (fol. 82v–96r). Augsburg: Dr. Erwin Rauner Verlag, 2023]. zbMATH Open, Zbl.1515.01001. |
[Review of Martin Hellmann (ed., trans.), Johannes Regiomontanus, Aufgaben und Übungen zur Algebra. Aus der Handschrift New York, Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Plimpton 188 (fol. 82v–96r). Augsburg: Dr. Erwin Rauner Verlag, 2023]. Historia Mathematica online, 8 December 2023, |