Book Description

About the Author

Table of Contents

Source Code


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Object-Oriented Software Development Using Java

Xiaoping Jia, Ph.D

Source Code

The following table provides access to the book's source code by chapter. Or, download source code for the entire book here: javabook.jar.   Note: A .jar file can be read with:   "jar xvf javabook.jar".

Chapter 1:Object-Oriented Software Development
Chapter 2:Introduction to Java
Chapter 3:Elements of Java
Chapter 4:Classes and Inheritance
Chapter 5:Design by Abstraction
Chapter 6:Object-Oriented Application Frameworks
Chapter 7:Design Case Study: A Drawing Pad
Chapter 8:Concurrent Programming
Chapter 9:Distributed Computing

Book Description - About the Author - Table of Contents
Source Code - Errata - Send Comments
Teaching Materials - Author's Homepage