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Interface DataStructures.HashTable

public abstract interface HashTable
Protocol for hash tables. Note that all "matching" is based on the equals method.

Method Index

 o find(Hashable)
Find an item in the hash table.
 o insert(Hashable)
Insert into the hash table.
 o makeEmpty()
Make the hash table logically empty.
 o remove(Hashable)
Remove from the hash table.


 o insert
 public abstract void insert(Supporting.Hashable x)
Insert into the hash table. If the item is already present, then replace it with the new item.

x - the item to insert.
 o remove
 public abstract void remove(Supporting.Hashable x) throws Exceptions.ItemNotFound
Remove from the hash table.

x - the item to remove.
Throws: ItemNotFound
if no item that matches x can be found in the hash table.
 o find
 public abstract Supporting.Hashable find(Supporting.Hashable x) throws Exceptions.ItemNotFound
Find an item in the hash table.

x - the item to search for.
the matching item.
Throws: ItemNotFound
if no item that matches x can be found in the hash table.
 o makeEmpty
 public abstract void makeEmpty()
Make the hash table logically empty.

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