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Index of all Fields and Methods


AATree(). Constructor for class DataStructures.AATree
Construct the tree.
addItem(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
Insert into the priority queue, and return a PairNode that can be used by decreaseKey.
advance(). Method in class DataStructures.InOrder
Advance the current position to the next node in the tree, according to the inorder traversal scheme.
advance(). Method in class DataStructures.LevelOrder
Advance the current position to the next node in the tree, according to the level-order traversal scheme.
advance(). Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
Advance the current position to the next node in the list.
advance(). Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
Advance the current position to the next node in the list.
advance(). Method in class DataStructures.PostOrder
Advance the current position to the next node in the tree, according to the postorder traversal scheme.
advance(). Method in class DataStructures.PreOrder
Advance the current position to the next node in the tree, according to the preorder traversal scheme.
advance(). Method in class DataStructures.TreeIterator
Advance the current position to the next node in the tree, according to the traversal scheme.


BinaryHeap(Comparable). Constructor for class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
Construct the binary heap.
BinarySearch(). Constructor for class DataStructures.BinarySearch
binarySearch(Comparable[], Comparable). Static method in class DataStructures.BinarySearch
Performs the standard binary search using one comparison per level.
BinarySearchTree(). Constructor for class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
Construct the tree.
BinarySearchTreeWithRank(). Constructor for class DataStructures.BinarySearchTreeWithRank


compares(Comparable). Method in interface Supporting.Comparable
Compare this object with rhs.
compares(Comparable). Method in class Supporting.MyInteger
Implements the compares method.
copy(LinkedList, LinkedList). Static method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr


decreaseKey(PairNode, Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
Change the value of the item stored in the pairing heap.
deleteMin(). Method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
Remove the smallest item from the priority queue.
deleteMin(). Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
Remove the smallest item from the priority queue.
deleteMin(). Method in interface DataStructures.PriorityQueue
Remove the smallest item from the priority queue.
dequeue(). Method in interface DataStructures.Queue
Return and remove the least recently inserted item from the queue.
dequeue(). Method in class DataStructures.QueueAr
Return and remove the least recently inserted item from the queue.
dequeue(). Method in class DataStructures.QueueLi
Return and remove the least recently inserted item from the queue.
DisjSets(int). Constructor for class DataStructures.DisjSets
Construct the disjoint sets object.
DuplicateItem(String). Constructor for class Exceptions.DuplicateItem
Construct this exception object.


enqueue(Object). Method in interface DataStructures.Queue
Insert a new item into the queue.
enqueue(Object). Method in class DataStructures.QueueAr
Insert a new item into the queue.
enqueue(Object). Method in class DataStructures.QueueLi
Insert a new item into the queue.
equals(Object). Method in class Supporting.MyInteger
Implements the equals method.
Exiting(). Constructor for class Supporting.Exiting


find(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.AATree
Find an item in the tree.
find(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
Find an item in the tree.
find(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
Find an item in the tree.
find(Comparable). Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
Find an item in the tree.
find(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
Find an item in the tree.
find(Hashable). Method in interface DataStructures.HashTable
Find an item in the hash table.
find(Hashable). Method in class DataStructures.ProbingHashTable
Find an item in the hash table.
find(int). Method in class DataStructures.DisjSets
Perform a find with path compression.
find(Object). Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
Set the current position to the first node containing an item.
find(Object). Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
Set the current position to the first node containing an item.
findKth(int). Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTreeWithRank
Find the kth smallest item in the tree.
findMax(). Method in class DataStructures.AATree
Find the largest item in the tree.
findMax(). Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
Find the largest item in the tree.
findMax(). Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
Find the largest item in the tree.
findMax(). Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
Find the largest item the tree.
findMax(). Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
Find the largest item in the tree.
findMin(). Method in class DataStructures.AATree
Find the smallest item in the tree.
findMin(). Method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
Find the smallest item in the priority queue.
findMin(). Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
Find the smallest item in the tree.
findMin(). Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
Find the smallest item in the priority queue.
findMin(). Method in interface DataStructures.PriorityQueue
Find the smallest item in the priority queue.
findMin(). Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
Find the smallest item the tree.
findMin(). Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
Find the smallest item in the tree.
findMin(). Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
Find the smallest item in the tree.
first(). Method in class DataStructures.LevelOrder
Set the current position to the first item, according to the level-order traversal scheme.
first(). Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
Set the current position to the first node in the list.
first(). Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
Set the current position to the first node in the list.
first(). Method in class DataStructures.PostOrder
Set the current position to the first item, according to the postorder traversal scheme.
first(). Method in class DataStructures.PreOrder
Set the current position to the first item, according to the preorder traversal scheme.
first(). Method in class DataStructures.TreeIterator
Set the current position to the first item, according to the traversal scheme.


gcd(long, long). Static method in class Supporting.Numerical
Return the greatest common divisor.
getFront(). Method in interface DataStructures.Queue
Get the least recently inserted item in the queue.
getFront(). Method in class DataStructures.QueueAr
Get the least recently inserted item in the queue.
getFront(). Method in class DataStructures.QueueLi
Get the least recently inserted item in the queue.
getRoot(). Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
Return item stored in the root.


hash(int). Method in interface Supporting.Hashable
Compute a hash function for this object.
hash(int). Method in class Supporting.MyInteger
Implements the hash method.
hash(String, int). Static method in class DataStructures.ProbingHashTable
A hash routine for String objects.
heapsort(Comparable[]). Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
Standard heapsort.


IllegalValue(String). Constructor for class Exceptions.IllegalValue
Construct this exception object.
InOrder(BinarySearchTree). Constructor for class DataStructures.InOrder
Construct the iterator.
insert(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.AATree
Insert into the tree.
insert(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
Insert into the priority queue, maintaining heap order.
insert(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
Insert into the tree.
insert(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
Insert into the priority queue.
insert(Comparable). Method in interface DataStructures.PriorityQueue
Insert into the priority queue.
insert(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
Insert into the tree.
insert(Comparable). Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
Insert into the tree.
insert(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.SortListItr
Insert in sorted order.
insert(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
Insert into the tree.
insert(Hashable). Method in interface DataStructures.HashTable
Insert into the hash table.
insert(Hashable). Method in class DataStructures.ProbingHashTable
Insert into the hash table.
insert(Object). Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
Insert after the current position.
insert(Object). Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
Insert after the current position.
insert(Object). Method in class DataStructures.SortListItr
Overridden to generate an exception.
insertionSort(Comparable[]). Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
Simple insertion sort.
intValue(). Method in class Supporting.MyInteger
Gets the stored int value.
inverse(long, long). Static method in class Supporting.Numerical
Solve ax == 1 (mod n), assuming gcd( a, n ) = 1.
isEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.AATree
Test if the tree is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
Test if the priority queue is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
Test if the tree is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.LinkedList
Test if the list is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in interface DataStructures.List
Test if the list is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
Test if the priority queue is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in interface DataStructures.PriorityQueue
Test if the priority queue is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in interface DataStructures.Queue
Test if the queue is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.QueueAr
Test if the queue is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.QueueLi
Test if the queue is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
Test if the tree is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
Test if the tree is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
Test if the tree is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in interface DataStructures.Stack
Test if the stack is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.StackAr
Test if the stack is logically empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.StackLi
Test if the stack is logically empty.
isInList(). Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
Test if the current position references a valid list item.
isInList(). Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
Test if the current position references a valid list item.
isPrime(long). Static method in class Supporting.Numerical
Randomized primality test.
isValid(). Method in class DataStructures.TreeIterator
Test if current position references a valid tree item.
ItemNotFound(String). Constructor for class Exceptions.ItemNotFound
Construct this exception object.


lessThan(Comparable). Method in interface Supporting.Comparable
Compare this object with rhs.
lessThan(Comparable). Method in class Supporting.MyInteger
Implements the lessThan method.
LevelOrder(BinarySearchTree). Constructor for class DataStructures.LevelOrder
Construct the iterator.
LinkedList(). Constructor for class DataStructures.LinkedList
Construct the list
LinkedListItr(LinkedList). Constructor for class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
Construct the list.
LinkedListItr(List). Constructor for class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
Construct the list.
longPause(). Static method in class Supporting.Exiting
Method used to pause the program for a long time.


main(String[]). Static method in class DataStructures.AATree
main(String[]). Static method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
main(String[]). Static method in class DataStructures.BinarySearch
main(String[]). Static method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
main(String[]). Static method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTreeWithRank
main(String[]). Static method in class DataStructures.DisjSets
main(String[]). Static method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
main(String[]). Static method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
main(String[]). Static method in class DataStructures.QuadraticProbingTable
main(String[]). Static method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
main(String[]). Static method in class DataStructures.SortListItr
main(String[]). Static method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
main(String[]). Static method in class DataStructures.TreeIterator
makeEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.AATree
Make the tree logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
Make the priority queue logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
Make the tree logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in interface DataStructures.HashTable
Make the hash table logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.LinkedList
Make the list logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in interface DataStructures.List
Make the list logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
Make the priority queue logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in interface DataStructures.PriorityQueue
Make the priority queue logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.ProbingHashTable
Make the hash table logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in interface DataStructures.Queue
Make the queue logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.QueueAr
Make the queue logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.QueueLi
Make the queue logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
Make the tree logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
Make the tree logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
Make the tree logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in interface DataStructures.Stack
Make the stack logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.StackAr
Make the stack logically empty.
makeEmpty(). Method in class DataStructures.StackLi
Make the stack logically empty.
mergeSort(Comparable[]). Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
Mergesort algorithm.
MyInteger(). Constructor for class Supporting.MyInteger
Construct the MyInteger object with initial value 0.
MyInteger(int). Constructor for class Supporting.MyInteger
Construct the MyInteger object.


negExp(double). Method in class Supporting.Random
Return an double using a negative exponential distribution, and change the internal state.
Numerical(). Constructor for class Supporting.Numerical


PairHeap(). Constructor for class DataStructures.PairHeap
Construct the pairing heap.
permute(Object[]). Static method in class Supporting.Random
Randomly rearrange an array.
poisson(double). Method in class Supporting.Random
Return an int using a Poisson distribution, and change the internal state.
pop(). Method in interface DataStructures.Stack
Remove the most recently inserted item from the stack.
pop(). Method in class DataStructures.StackAr
Remove the most recently inserted item from the stack.
pop(). Method in class DataStructures.StackLi
Remove the most recently inserted item from the stack.
PostOrder(BinarySearchTree). Constructor for class DataStructures.PostOrder
Construct the iterator.
power(long, long, long). Static method in class Supporting.Numerical
Return x^n (mod p) Assumes x, n >= 0, p > 0, x < p, 0^0 = 1 Overflow may occur if p > 31 bits.
PreOrder(BinarySearchTree). Constructor for class DataStructures.PreOrder
Construct the iterator.
print(LinkedList). Static method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
printTree(). Method in class DataStructures.AATree
Print the tree contents in sorted order.
printTree(). Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
Print the tree contents in sorted order.
printTree(). Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
Print the tree contents in sorted order.
printTree(). Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
Print the tree contents in sorted order.
printTree(). Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
Print the tree contents in sorted order.
ProbingHashTable(). Constructor for class DataStructures.ProbingHashTable
Construct the hash table.
promptToExit(). Static method in class Supporting.Exiting
Prompt for input from the keyboard, and then exit the application.
push(Object). Method in interface DataStructures.Stack
Insert a new item into the stack.
push(Object). Method in class DataStructures.StackAr
Insert a new item into the stack.
push(Object). Method in class DataStructures.StackLi
Insert a new item into the stack.


QuadraticProbingTable(). Constructor for class DataStructures.QuadraticProbingTable
QueueAr(). Constructor for class DataStructures.QueueAr
Construct the queue.
QueueLi(). Constructor for class DataStructures.QueueLi
Construct the queue.
quickSelect(Comparable[], int). Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
Quick selection algorithm.
quicksort(Comparable[]). Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
Quicksort algorithm.


Random(). Constructor for class Supporting.Random
Construct this Random object with initial state obtained from system clock.
Random(int). Constructor for class Supporting.Random
Construct this Random object with specified initial state.
randomInt(). Method in class Supporting.Random
Return a pseudorandom int, and change the internal state.
randomInt(int, int). Method in class Supporting.Random
Return an int in the closed range [low,high], and change the internal state.
randomReal(). Method in class Supporting.Random
Return a double in the open range (0,1), and change the internal state.
RedBlackTree(Comparable). Constructor for class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
Construct the tree.
remove(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.AATree
Remove from the tree.
remove(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
Remove from the tree.
remove(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
Remove from the tree.
remove(Comparable). Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
Remove from the tree.
remove(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
Remove from the tree.
remove(Hashable). Method in interface DataStructures.HashTable
Remove from the hash table.
remove(Hashable). Method in class DataStructures.ProbingHashTable
Remove from the hash table.
remove(Object). Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
Remove the first occurrence of an item.
remove(Object). Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
Remove the first occurrence of an item.
removeMin(). Method in class DataStructures.AATree
Remove the smallest item from the tree.
removeMin(). Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
Remove the smallest item from the tree.
removeMin(). Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
Remove the smallest item from the tree.
removeMin(). Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
Remove the smallest item from the tree.
removeMin(). Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
Remove the smallest item from the tree.
removeNext(). Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
Remove the item after the current position.
retrieve(). Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
Return the item stored in the current position.
retrieve(). Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
Return the item stored in the current position.
retrieve(). Method in class DataStructures.TreeIterator
Return the item stored in the current position.


shellsort(Comparable[]). Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
Shellsort, using a sequence suggested by Gonnet.
Sort(). Constructor for class DataStructures.Sort
SortListItr(List). Constructor for class DataStructures.SortListItr
Construct the list.
SplayTree(). Constructor for class DataStructures.SplayTree
Construct the tree.
StackAr(). Constructor for class DataStructures.StackAr
Construct the stack.
StackLi(). Constructor for class DataStructures.StackLi
Construct the stack.
swapReferences(Object[], int, int). Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
Method to swap to elements in an array.


testItr(String, TreeIterator). Static method in class DataStructures.TreeIterator
top(). Method in interface DataStructures.Stack
Get the most recently inserted item in the stack.
top(). Method in class DataStructures.StackAr
Get the most recently inserted item in the stack.
top(). Method in class DataStructures.StackLi
Get the most recently inserted item in the stack.
topAndPop(). Method in interface DataStructures.Stack
Return and remove the most recently inserted item from the stack.
topAndPop(). Method in class DataStructures.StackAr
Return and remove the most recently inserted item from the stack.
topAndPop(). Method in class DataStructures.StackLi
Return and remove the most recently inserted item from the stack.
toss(Comparable). Method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
Insert into the priority queue, without maintaining heap order.
toString(). Method in class Supporting.MyInteger
Implements the toString method.
TreeIterator(BinarySearchTree). Constructor for class DataStructures.TreeIterator
Construct the iterator.
TRIALS. Static variable in class Supporting.Numerical
The number of witnesses queried in randomized primality test.


Underflow(String). Constructor for class Exceptions.Underflow
Construct this exception object.
union(int, int). Method in class DataStructures.DisjSets
Union two disjoint sets using the height heuristic.


zeroth(). Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
Set the current position to the header node.
zeroth(). Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
Set the current position to the header node.