All Packages Class Hierarchy
Index of all Fields and Methods
- AATree().
Constructor for class DataStructures.AATree
- Construct the tree.
- addItem(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
- Insert into the priority queue, and return a PairNode
that can be used by decreaseKey.
- advance().
Method in class DataStructures.InOrder
- Advance the current position to the next node in the tree,
according to the inorder traversal scheme.
- advance().
Method in class DataStructures.LevelOrder
- Advance the current position to the next node in the tree,
according to the level-order traversal scheme.
- advance().
Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- Advance the current position to the next node in the list.
- advance().
Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
- Advance the current position to the next node in the list.
- advance().
Method in class DataStructures.PostOrder
- Advance the current position to the next node in the tree,
according to the postorder traversal scheme.
- advance().
Method in class DataStructures.PreOrder
- Advance the current position to the next node in the tree,
according to the preorder traversal scheme.
- advance().
Method in class DataStructures.TreeIterator
- Advance the current position to the next node in the tree,
according to the traversal scheme.
- BinaryHeap(Comparable).
Constructor for class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
- Construct the binary heap.
- BinarySearch().
Constructor for class DataStructures.BinarySearch
- binarySearch(Comparable[], Comparable).
Static method in class DataStructures.BinarySearch
- Performs the standard binary search
using one comparison per level.
- BinarySearchTree().
Constructor for class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
- Construct the tree.
- BinarySearchTreeWithRank().
Constructor for class DataStructures.BinarySearchTreeWithRank
- compares(Comparable).
Method in interface Supporting.Comparable
- Compare this object with rhs.
- compares(Comparable).
Method in class Supporting.MyInteger
- Implements the compares method.
- copy(LinkedList, LinkedList).
Static method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- decreaseKey(PairNode, Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
- Change the value of the item stored in the pairing heap.
- deleteMin().
Method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
- Remove the smallest item from the priority queue.
- deleteMin().
Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
- Remove the smallest item from the priority queue.
- deleteMin().
Method in interface DataStructures.PriorityQueue
- Remove the smallest item from the priority queue.
- dequeue().
Method in interface DataStructures.Queue
- Return and remove the least recently inserted item
from the queue.
- dequeue().
Method in class DataStructures.QueueAr
- Return and remove the least recently inserted item
from the queue.
- dequeue().
Method in class DataStructures.QueueLi
- Return and remove the least recently inserted item
from the queue.
- DisjSets(int).
Constructor for class DataStructures.DisjSets
- Construct the disjoint sets object.
- DuplicateItem(String).
Constructor for class Exceptions.DuplicateItem
- Construct this exception object.
- enqueue(Object).
Method in interface DataStructures.Queue
- Insert a new item into the queue.
- enqueue(Object).
Method in class DataStructures.QueueAr
- Insert a new item into the queue.
- enqueue(Object).
Method in class DataStructures.QueueLi
- Insert a new item into the queue.
- equals(Object).
Method in class Supporting.MyInteger
- Implements the equals method.
- Exiting().
Constructor for class Supporting.Exiting
- find(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.AATree
- Find an item in the tree.
- find(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
- Find an item in the tree.
- find(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
- Find an item in the tree.
- find(Comparable).
Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
- Find an item in the tree.
- find(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
- Find an item in the tree.
- find(Hashable).
Method in interface DataStructures.HashTable
- Find an item in the hash table.
- find(Hashable).
Method in class DataStructures.ProbingHashTable
- Find an item in the hash table.
- find(int).
Method in class DataStructures.DisjSets
- Perform a find with path compression.
- find(Object).
Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- Set the current position to the first node containing an item.
- find(Object).
Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
- Set the current position to the first node containing an item.
- findKth(int).
Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTreeWithRank
- Find the kth smallest item in the tree.
- findMax().
Method in class DataStructures.AATree
- Find the largest item in the tree.
- findMax().
Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
- Find the largest item in the tree.
- findMax().
Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
- Find the largest item in the tree.
- findMax().
Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
- Find the largest item the tree.
- findMax().
Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
- Find the largest item in the tree.
- findMin().
Method in class DataStructures.AATree
- Find the smallest item in the tree.
- findMin().
Method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
- Find the smallest item in the priority queue.
- findMin().
Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
- Find the smallest item in the tree.
- findMin().
Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
- Find the smallest item in the priority queue.
- findMin().
Method in interface DataStructures.PriorityQueue
- Find the smallest item in the priority queue.
- findMin().
Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
- Find the smallest item the tree.
- findMin().
Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
- Find the smallest item in the tree.
- findMin().
Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
- Find the smallest item in the tree.
- first().
Method in class DataStructures.LevelOrder
- Set the current position to the first item, according
to the level-order traversal scheme.
- first().
Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- Set the current position to the first node in the list.
- first().
Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
- Set the current position to the first node in the list.
- first().
Method in class DataStructures.PostOrder
- Set the current position to the first item, according
to the postorder traversal scheme.
- first().
Method in class DataStructures.PreOrder
- Set the current position to the first item, according
to the preorder traversal scheme.
- first().
Method in class DataStructures.TreeIterator
- Set the current position to the first item, according
to the traversal scheme.
- gcd(long, long).
Static method in class Supporting.Numerical
- Return the greatest common divisor.
- getFront().
Method in interface DataStructures.Queue
- Get the least recently inserted item in the queue.
- getFront().
Method in class DataStructures.QueueAr
- Get the least recently inserted item in the queue.
- getFront().
Method in class DataStructures.QueueLi
- Get the least recently inserted item in the queue.
- getRoot().
Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
- Return item stored in the root.
- hash(int).
Method in interface Supporting.Hashable
- Compute a hash function for this object.
- hash(int).
Method in class Supporting.MyInteger
- Implements the hash method.
- hash(String, int).
Static method in class DataStructures.ProbingHashTable
- A hash routine for String objects.
- heapsort(Comparable[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
- Standard heapsort.
- IllegalValue(String).
Constructor for class Exceptions.IllegalValue
- Construct this exception object.
- InOrder(BinarySearchTree).
Constructor for class DataStructures.InOrder
- Construct the iterator.
- insert(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.AATree
- Insert into the tree.
- insert(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
- Insert into the priority queue, maintaining heap order.
- insert(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
- Insert into the tree.
- insert(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
- Insert into the priority queue.
- insert(Comparable).
Method in interface DataStructures.PriorityQueue
- Insert into the priority queue.
- insert(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
- Insert into the tree.
- insert(Comparable).
Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
- Insert into the tree.
- insert(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.SortListItr
- Insert in sorted order.
- insert(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
- Insert into the tree.
- insert(Hashable).
Method in interface DataStructures.HashTable
- Insert into the hash table.
- insert(Hashable).
Method in class DataStructures.ProbingHashTable
- Insert into the hash table.
- insert(Object).
Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- Insert after the current position.
- insert(Object).
Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
- Insert after the current position.
- insert(Object).
Method in class DataStructures.SortListItr
- Overridden to generate an exception.
- insertionSort(Comparable[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
- Simple insertion sort.
- intValue().
Method in class Supporting.MyInteger
- Gets the stored int value.
- inverse(long, long).
Static method in class Supporting.Numerical
- Solve ax == 1 (mod n), assuming gcd( a, n ) = 1.
- isEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.AATree
- Test if the tree is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
- Test if the priority queue is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
- Test if the tree is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.LinkedList
- Test if the list is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in interface DataStructures.List
- Test if the list is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
- Test if the priority queue is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in interface DataStructures.PriorityQueue
- Test if the priority queue is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in interface DataStructures.Queue
- Test if the queue is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.QueueAr
- Test if the queue is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.QueueLi
- Test if the queue is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
- Test if the tree is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
- Test if the tree is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
- Test if the tree is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in interface DataStructures.Stack
- Test if the stack is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.StackAr
- Test if the stack is logically empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.StackLi
- Test if the stack is logically empty.
- isInList().
Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- Test if the current position references a valid list item.
- isInList().
Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
- Test if the current position references a valid list item.
- isPrime(long).
Static method in class Supporting.Numerical
- Randomized primality test.
- isValid().
Method in class DataStructures.TreeIterator
- Test if current position references a valid tree item.
- ItemNotFound(String).
Constructor for class Exceptions.ItemNotFound
- Construct this exception object.
- lessThan(Comparable).
Method in interface Supporting.Comparable
- Compare this object with rhs.
- lessThan(Comparable).
Method in class Supporting.MyInteger
- Implements the lessThan method.
- LevelOrder(BinarySearchTree).
Constructor for class DataStructures.LevelOrder
- Construct the iterator.
- LinkedList().
Constructor for class DataStructures.LinkedList
- Construct the list
- LinkedListItr(LinkedList).
Constructor for class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- Construct the list.
- LinkedListItr(List).
Constructor for class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- Construct the list.
- longPause().
Static method in class Supporting.Exiting
- Method used to pause the program for a long time.
- main(String[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.AATree
- main(String[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
- main(String[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.BinarySearch
- main(String[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
- main(String[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTreeWithRank
- main(String[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.DisjSets
- main(String[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- main(String[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
- main(String[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.QuadraticProbingTable
- main(String[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
- main(String[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.SortListItr
- main(String[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
- main(String[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.TreeIterator
- makeEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.AATree
- Make the tree logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
- Make the priority queue logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
- Make the tree logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in interface DataStructures.HashTable
- Make the hash table logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.LinkedList
- Make the list logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in interface DataStructures.List
- Make the list logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.PairHeap
- Make the priority queue logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in interface DataStructures.PriorityQueue
- Make the priority queue logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.ProbingHashTable
- Make the hash table logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in interface DataStructures.Queue
- Make the queue logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.QueueAr
- Make the queue logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.QueueLi
- Make the queue logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
- Make the tree logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
- Make the tree logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
- Make the tree logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in interface DataStructures.Stack
- Make the stack logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.StackAr
- Make the stack logically empty.
- makeEmpty().
Method in class DataStructures.StackLi
- Make the stack logically empty.
- mergeSort(Comparable[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
- Mergesort algorithm.
- MyInteger().
Constructor for class Supporting.MyInteger
- Construct the MyInteger object with initial value 0.
- MyInteger(int).
Constructor for class Supporting.MyInteger
- Construct the MyInteger object.
- negExp(double).
Method in class Supporting.Random
- Return an double using a negative exponential
distribution, and change the internal state.
- Numerical().
Constructor for class Supporting.Numerical
- PairHeap().
Constructor for class DataStructures.PairHeap
- Construct the pairing heap.
- permute(Object[]).
Static method in class Supporting.Random
- Randomly rearrange an array.
- poisson(double).
Method in class Supporting.Random
- Return an int using a Poisson distribution, and
change the internal state.
- pop().
Method in interface DataStructures.Stack
- Remove the most recently inserted item from the stack.
- pop().
Method in class DataStructures.StackAr
- Remove the most recently inserted item from the stack.
- pop().
Method in class DataStructures.StackLi
- Remove the most recently inserted item from the stack.
- PostOrder(BinarySearchTree).
Constructor for class DataStructures.PostOrder
- Construct the iterator.
- power(long, long, long).
Static method in class Supporting.Numerical
- Return x^n (mod p)
Assumes x, n >= 0, p > 0, x < p, 0^0 = 1
Overflow may occur if p > 31 bits.
- PreOrder(BinarySearchTree).
Constructor for class DataStructures.PreOrder
- Construct the iterator.
- print(LinkedList).
Static method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- printTree().
Method in class DataStructures.AATree
- Print the tree contents in sorted order.
- printTree().
Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
- Print the tree contents in sorted order.
- printTree().
Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
- Print the tree contents in sorted order.
- printTree().
Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
- Print the tree contents in sorted order.
- printTree().
Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
- Print the tree contents in sorted order.
- ProbingHashTable().
Constructor for class DataStructures.ProbingHashTable
- Construct the hash table.
- promptToExit().
Static method in class Supporting.Exiting
- Prompt for input from the keyboard, and
then exit the application.
- push(Object).
Method in interface DataStructures.Stack
- Insert a new item into the stack.
- push(Object).
Method in class DataStructures.StackAr
- Insert a new item into the stack.
- push(Object).
Method in class DataStructures.StackLi
- Insert a new item into the stack.
- QuadraticProbingTable().
Constructor for class DataStructures.QuadraticProbingTable
- QueueAr().
Constructor for class DataStructures.QueueAr
- Construct the queue.
- QueueLi().
Constructor for class DataStructures.QueueLi
- Construct the queue.
- quickSelect(Comparable[], int).
Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
- Quick selection algorithm.
- quicksort(Comparable[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
- Quicksort algorithm.
- Random().
Constructor for class Supporting.Random
- Construct this Random object with
initial state obtained from system clock.
- Random(int).
Constructor for class Supporting.Random
- Construct this Random object with
specified initial state.
- randomInt().
Method in class Supporting.Random
- Return a pseudorandom int, and change the
internal state.
- randomInt(int, int).
Method in class Supporting.Random
- Return an int in the closed range [low,high], and
change the internal state.
- randomReal().
Method in class Supporting.Random
- Return a double in the open range (0,1), and
change the internal state.
- RedBlackTree(Comparable).
Constructor for class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
- Construct the tree.
- remove(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.AATree
- Remove from the tree.
- remove(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
- Remove from the tree.
- remove(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
- Remove from the tree.
- remove(Comparable).
Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
- Remove from the tree.
- remove(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
- Remove from the tree.
- remove(Hashable).
Method in interface DataStructures.HashTable
- Remove from the hash table.
- remove(Hashable).
Method in class DataStructures.ProbingHashTable
- Remove from the hash table.
- remove(Object).
Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- Remove the first occurrence of an item.
- remove(Object).
Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
- Remove the first occurrence of an item.
- removeMin().
Method in class DataStructures.AATree
- Remove the smallest item from the tree.
- removeMin().
Method in class DataStructures.BinarySearchTree
- Remove the smallest item from the tree.
- removeMin().
Method in class DataStructures.RedBlackTree
- Remove the smallest item from the tree.
- removeMin().
Method in interface DataStructures.SearchTree
- Remove the smallest item from the tree.
- removeMin().
Method in class DataStructures.SplayTree
- Remove the smallest item from the tree.
- removeNext().
Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- Remove the item after the current position.
- retrieve().
Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- Return the item stored in the current position.
- retrieve().
Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
- Return the item stored in the current position.
- retrieve().
Method in class DataStructures.TreeIterator
- Return the item stored in the current position.
- shellsort(Comparable[]).
Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
- Shellsort, using a sequence suggested by Gonnet.
- Sort().
Constructor for class DataStructures.Sort
- SortListItr(List).
Constructor for class DataStructures.SortListItr
- Construct the list.
- SplayTree().
Constructor for class DataStructures.SplayTree
- Construct the tree.
- StackAr().
Constructor for class DataStructures.StackAr
- Construct the stack.
- StackLi().
Constructor for class DataStructures.StackLi
- Construct the stack.
- swapReferences(Object[], int, int).
Static method in class DataStructures.Sort
- Method to swap to elements in an array.
- testItr(String, TreeIterator).
Static method in class DataStructures.TreeIterator
- top().
Method in interface DataStructures.Stack
- Get the most recently inserted item in the stack.
- top().
Method in class DataStructures.StackAr
- Get the most recently inserted item in the stack.
- top().
Method in class DataStructures.StackLi
- Get the most recently inserted item in the stack.
- topAndPop().
Method in interface DataStructures.Stack
- Return and remove the most recently inserted item
from the stack.
- topAndPop().
Method in class DataStructures.StackAr
- Return and remove the most recently inserted item
from the stack.
- topAndPop().
Method in class DataStructures.StackLi
- Return and remove the most recently inserted item
from the stack.
- toss(Comparable).
Method in class DataStructures.BinaryHeap
- Insert into the priority queue, without maintaining
heap order.
- toString().
Method in class Supporting.MyInteger
- Implements the toString method.
- TreeIterator(BinarySearchTree).
Constructor for class DataStructures.TreeIterator
- Construct the iterator.
Static variable in class Supporting.Numerical
- The number of witnesses queried in randomized primality test.
- Underflow(String).
Constructor for class Exceptions.Underflow
- Construct this exception object.
- union(int, int).
Method in class DataStructures.DisjSets
- Union two disjoint sets using the height heuristic.
- zeroth().
Method in class DataStructures.LinkedListItr
- Set the current position to the header node.
- zeroth().
Method in interface DataStructures.ListItr
- Set the current position to the header node.