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Class DataStructures.Sort


public final class Sort
extends java.lang.Object
A class that contains several sorting routines, implemented as static methods. Arrays are rearranged with smallest item first, using compares.

Constructor Index

 o Sort()

Method Index

 o heapsort(Comparable[])
Standard heapsort.
 o insertionSort(Comparable[])
Simple insertion sort.
 o mergeSort(Comparable[])
Mergesort algorithm.
 o quickSelect(Comparable[], int)
Quick selection algorithm.
 o quicksort(Comparable[])
Quicksort algorithm.
 o shellsort(Comparable[])
Shellsort, using a sequence suggested by Gonnet.
 o swapReferences(Object[], int, int)
Method to swap to elements in an array.


 o Sort
 public Sort()


 o insertionSort
 public static void insertionSort(Supporting.Comparable a[])
Simple insertion sort.

a - an array of Comparable items.
 o shellsort
 public static void shellsort(Supporting.Comparable a[])
Shellsort, using a sequence suggested by Gonnet.

a - an array of Comparable items.
 o heapsort
 public static void heapsort(Supporting.Comparable a[])
Standard heapsort.

a - an array of Comparable items.
 o mergeSort
 public static void mergeSort(Supporting.Comparable a[])
Mergesort algorithm.

a - an array of Comparable items.
 o quicksort
 public static void quicksort(Supporting.Comparable a[])
Quicksort algorithm.

a - an array of Comparable items.
 o swapReferences
 public static void swapReferences(java.lang.Object a[],
                                   int index1,
                                   int index2)
Method to swap to elements in an array.

a - an array of objects.
index1 - the index of the first object.
index2 - the index of the second object.
 o quickSelect
 public static void quickSelect(Supporting.Comparable a[],
                                int k)
Quick selection algorithm. Places the kth smallest item in a[k-1].

a - an array of Comparable items.
k - the desired rank (1 is minimum) in the entire array.

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